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Make a gift to the Haas Center for Public Service, the hub of Cardinal Service.

Building a Legacy of Greater Service

Today, more than ever, our complex social, political, and environmental issues call for Stanford University to contribute to the public good and to weave public service more deeply into our rich tapestry of tradition, identity, and culture.

Cardinal Service represents the most significant expansion and elevation of public service at Stanford since the establishment of the Haas Center for Public Service in 1985. It is a campus-wide initiative to make service a distinctive feature of a Stanford education, consisting of four elements:

Cardinal Quarter Cardinal Quarter
Students engage in full-time summer or quarter-long public service experiences with Stanford support.
See where students served Cardinal Quarters in Summer 2016.
Cardinal Courses Cardinal Courses
Students enroll in courses that integrate a community experience, examine a public issue, and explore civic identities. 
Cardinal Commitment Cardinal Commitment
Students make and sustain a significant service commitment.
Cardinal Careers
Students are encouraged to integrate service into any career and are supported to pursue work in the public interest.

Help us continue to build this legacy by making a gift to the Haas Center for Public Service.


Multi-year Support

Annual and reunion gifts provide an opportunity for alumni and friends to have a powerful and direct impact on the development of public service leaders. Five-year reunion pledges help ensure a stable flow of unrestricted funding. Individuals making gifts of $10,000 and above join our Directors Circle.

2016 Annual Fund Message

Cardinal Service Gift Opportunities

Matching Available

Matching funds at a ratio of 3 to 5 are available for endowment gifts of $175,000 or more, i.e. a gift of $500,000 will generate an additional $300,000 for Cardinal Service.

For more information, please see our brochure below or contact Megan Swezey Fogarty, deputy executive director, at (650) 725-2870 or

Cardinal Service Gift Opportunities


Planned Giving Opportunities

When you make a planned gift such as a bequest, trust, or life income gift to the Haas Center you not only create a legacy for public service at Stanford, you also contribute to the greater good by investing in the next generation of public service leaders.

Making a bequest to the Haas Center is easy. There is no minimum amount and bequests are exempt from federal real estate taxes. You may include the Center in a new will or trust instrument, add a codicil to your present will, or amend your present trust instrument to provide for the support of public service at the University. You can designate your bequest to be a specific dollar amount or a specific asset such as real estate or securities, or you can simply provide that Stanford is to receive a percentage of your estate, the residue of your estate, or your entire estate. You may also make the Haas Center a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or life insurance policy.

If you notify the University of your bequest to the Haas Center, you are included as a member of the Founding Grant Society, which the University established to honor alumni, parents, and friends who have included Stanford in their estate plans. Members are invited to participate in a number of special events each year.

For helpful information on bequests and other planned gifts, please visit Stanford University Planned Giving.