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Minor in History

Students must declare the minor in History no later than Autumn Quarter of the senior year via Axess. Minor declarations are approved by the Department of History and confirmation is sent via email to the student.

Candidates for the minor in History must complete six courses, at least three of which must have a field or thematic focus. Students completing the minor may choose to concentrate in such fields as African, American, Asian, British, European (medieval, early modern, or modern), Russian and East European history, comparative empires and cultures, or such thematic topics as the history of gender, the family, religion, technology, or revolution. Students may also petition to have a concentration of their own design count toward the minor.

Degree Requirements

All six courses must be of at least 3 units each and must be taken for a letter grade. The student must maintain a grade point average (GPA) in History courses of 2.0 (C) or higher. Two of the six courses must be small-group in format (Stanford Introductory Seminars, Sources and Methods Seminars, departmental colloquia, and research seminars). History courses taken at Stanford overseas campuses may count toward the minor, but at least three of the six courses must be taken from Stanford History faculty.

Advanced Placement credits do not fulfill any minor requirements.

How to Declare

To minor in History, you must register with the department by the Autumn quarter of your senior year.  Visit Priscilla Catbagan, Undergraduate Student Services Administrator, in the History Office and she will start a file for you. 

Next, you must declare the History minor on AXESS.

More Information

For more information on these requirements, see our entry in the Stanford Bulletin.

Download a History Minor Progress Evaluation Worksheet