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Device Enrollment

The device enrollment process gathers basic information about your computer via a brief questionnaire. Enrollment also associates a computer with the person who is responsible for its data security.

Your affiliation with the university and the type of  information you access will determine the type of security your device needs to use Stanford data.

The Device Enrollment service is for Windows and Macintosh desktop and laptop computers and iOS and Android mobile devices.  Enrollment for mobile devices is accomplished directly via MyDevices.


  • Associates the computer with one or more specific users, based on SUNet ID
  • Helps to determine whether the computer is properly configured to meet the University's security requirements, based on how it will be used

Data collected

  • Your SUNetID
  • Whether computer is used for High Risk Data
  • Personal or Stanford-owned computer
  • Primary user of the computer

Get started

Download/launch the Device Enrollment app for your device and complete the questionnaire:

Last modified May 11, 2017