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Online Privacy Policy

Stanford University provides the following information relating to your privacy when using websites in the Stanford.EDU domain. This privacy policy covers all Stanford.EDU websites unless otherwise indicated on a specific website.

Our Information Collection and Use Practices

Information you submit through our websites, such as your name, email, other contact information, may be collected by Stanford University for internal marketing and development purposes as well as to respond to your inquiries.

Stanford.EDU websites that incorporate this privacy policy may use online data entry forms to collect personally identifiable information, including your name and contact information (email, address, telephone number) and other identifiers in order to allow you to provide website feedback, register for events, or use Stanford online applications and services.

We may reveal personally identifiable information about you to unaffiliated third parties:

We may share information that does not personally identify you without restriction.

Stanford University will not sell any personal information to third parties for their use in direct marketing, advertising, or promotion of their products or services.

Cookies and Website Analytics

We use cookies and similar technology to collect aggregate (non-personal) information about website usage by all of our visitors and to help us remember you and your preferences when you revisit the websites. These cookies may stay on your browser into the future until they expire or you delete them. We also use technology to remember you the next time you log in. Some of these cookies are erased when you close your browser window and some persist for a period of time. Further general information about cookies and how they work is available at You can decline cookies by adjusting your browser settings but some features of the websites may not function.

We may allow selected third parties to place cookies through the website to provide us with better insights into the use of the website or user demographics or to provide relevant advertising to you. These third parties may collect information about a user’s online activities over time and across different websites when he or she uses our website.

Many Stanford.EDU websites use Google Analytics (or other similar web analytics tools) to collect information about visitor traffic and behavior. This allows us to identify usage trends and to improve the performance and content of our websites.

We do not use this tool to collect or store your personal information, and it cannot be used to identify who you are.

You can use the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on to disable tracking by Google Analytics.

We currently do not use technology that responds to do-not-track signals from your browser.

Access and Choice

Stanford students can manage privacy settings for their directory information in Axess. Faculty, staff and other Stanford affiliates can manage their privacy settings in StanfordYou.

You can choose not to receive emails from us by “unsubscribing” using the instructions in any email you receive from us. This will not stop us from sending emails about your account or your transactions with us.

Updates to Privacy Policy

Stanford University reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. We encourage visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to this Privacy Policy. If we make changes we will post an updated effective date below. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

Contact Information

If you have questions about our Privacy Policy, we would like to hear from you. Contact us via HelpSU.