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Sep 24 2013 | Stanford Report
When Chris Chafe and Josef Parvizi began transforming recordings of brain activity into music, they did so with artistic aspirations. The professors soon realized, though, that the work could lead to a powerful biofeedback tool for identifying brain patterns associated with seizures.
Scientists have shown how a protein fragment known as beta-amyloid, strongly implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, begins destroying synapses before it clumps into plaques that lead to nerve cell death.
Researchers have shown that oxytocin — often referred to as "the love hormone" because of its importance in the formation and maintenance of strong mother-child and sexual attachments — is involved in a broader range of social interactions than previously understood.
The learning and physical disabilities that affect people with Down syndrome may be due at least in part to defective stem cell regulation throughout the body, according to researchers. The defects in stem cell growth and self-renewal observed by the researchers can be alleviated by reducing the...
A defective trash-disposal system in the brain’s resident immune cells may be a major contributor to neurodegenerative disease. Preliminary observations show that this defect appears in the brains of patients who died of Alzheimer’s disease, so correcting it may someday prove to be an effective way...
Sep 1 2013 | Stanford Benefactor
For the Harman family, Stanford's leading role in neuroscience recalls an earlier scientific revolution.
Aug 15 2013 | NeuWrite West Blog
Graduate students take questions from the public and answer them on the blog Neuwrite West as part of their Ask the Expert series.
The steady accumulation of a protein in healthy, aging brains may explain seniors’ vulnerability to neurodegenerative disorders, a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine reports.
Aug 13 2013 | NeuWrite West Blog
Part 2 of a series in the graduate student blog Neuwrite West about John Ioannidis’ work finding that many published neuroscience findings are false.
In a breakthrough that could have wide-ranging applications in molecular medicine, Stanford University researchers have created a bioengineered peptide that enables imaging of medulloblastomas, among the most devastating of malignant childhood brain tumors, in lab mice.
