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Registering with the OAE

Basis for Individual Accommodations

If you would like to determine your eligibility for accommodations, please follow these steps as early as possible. Please note:  The term "accommodations" is used throughout this website to include not only disability-related accommodations, but also disability-related services and/or auxiliary aids.

Documentation and Accommodation Decisions

While physicians and/or other evaluators may submit recommendations regarding accommodations, the Office of Accessible Education (OAE) professional staff who are familiar with the educational environment at Stanford determine the extent to which the recommended accommodations are appropriate in this context.  In short, the evaluator’s recommendations provide helpful information, but are not binding. If, in the judgment of the OAE, there is insufficient diagnostic or clinical information in support of the requested accommodations, students may be asked to submit new and/or additional documentation.

The OAE's Disability Advisers also have discretion to determine what type of professional documentation is necessary, and this may vary depending on the nature and extent of the disability and the accommodation requested.  In the event the OAE feels it is appropriate to obtain a second professional opinion concerning the nature or severity of the disability, the University will bear the cost of obtaining that second opinion not covered by a third party payer.

Appropriate accommodations are determined following an individualized assessment of each request and discussion with one of the OAE's Disability Advisers.  Among the factors considered in determining appropriate accommodations for students are:

  1. The nature of the student's disability;
  2. Accommodations that have worked for that student in the past;
  3. Whether the requested accommodations will allow the student to effectively access and participate in the course or program;
  4. Whether the requested accommodations will alter the essential requirements of the course or program.

The University is not required to alter or modify a course or program to the extent that it changes the fundamental nature of that course or program.  Although most accommodations are decided upon and provided by the OAE, accommodation decisions are often made in collaboration with program/school administrators and relevant faculty.  Recommendations made by the OAE are not implemented until this collaboration has occurred.

Step 1 - Obtain Documentation

Obtain current documentation of disability from a certified and licensed professional.

Purpose of documentation:

  • To verify eligibility for accommodations;
  • To determine that the level of accommodations provided is appropriate to the nature and extent of the disability and its functional impact in the educational setting.

Documentation Guidelines

Step 2 - Complete Intake Form & Submit Paperwork

Online Student Intake Form

You have the option to upload your documentation with the Intake Form. Alternatively, send, fax, or hand-deliver your documentation to:

Office of Accessible Education
563 Salvatierra Walk
Stanford University
Stanford, CA  94305

FAX: 650-725-5301

Step 3 - Attend Intake Appointment

Once your documentation and Intake Form are received, a staff member will contact you for an intake appointment.

During the intake appointment the Disability Adviser will determine your eligibility for disability accommodations and complete a list of your appropriate accommodations.  At this meeting, or subsequent to the appointment, the Disability Adviser will prepare an Accommodation Letter that you may hand-deliver or e-mail to each of your instructors.

Once you have your Accommodation Letter, you may complete the appropriate Accommodation Request Forms specific to your needs.

Step 4 - Provide Follow-up and Feedback

In using these procedures and forms, it is important to keep in mind the following: we all need to work together so that the quality of accommodations meets your disability-related needs.  This is a shared responsibility between each student and the OAE.  So please start the process early, and let us know immediately about any delays or other problems in the provision of accommodations.