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Public Policy Grad students at homecoming reception 2016

It was great to see so many alums back on campus for the Public Policy Program's Homecoming Reunion Reception!

Norbert von der Groeben

The Public Policy Program is always looking for ways to engage with our alumni. Since the program's founding, our successful alumni and committed students have given Public Policy a reputation as a rigorous and innovative interdisciplinary program. Stay connected with Stanford and the Public Policy Program by visiting the links on this page. Like us on Facebook and join our LinkedIn group for updates from the program and to find out about interesting events and job opportunities. Feel free to contact us for information about how to get involved, attend local events, and support the next cadre of policy makers. Consider registering to be a mentor through SAM (Stanford Alumni Mentoring) as another way to stay connected to students.

Curious about what our alumni go on to do? Click here to learn more about job placement for our MPP/Non-Coterminal recent graduates. Click here to learn more about where our recent Coterm graduates have eneded up. Click here to learn more about job placement for our Undergraduate students.

Program Newsletter

Image of newsletter cover

This 2017 Newsletter is filled with information on graduates, events, alumni updates, and program news. We are thrilled to be able to stay connected to our program alumni, now spanning 37 years of graduates!

Featured Alum

Molly Cain at rally in DC
Molly graduated in 2015 with a B.A. in Economics and a secondary major in Public Policy and headed straight to Washington, D.C. to advocate for progressive policy.  

Give to Public Policy

Students at winter quarter dinner

We desperately need your help to support the next generation of policy makers and analysts. It's never been easier to make a big impact on the future of policy. Follow the link below, or mail a check payable to "Stanford Public Policy" to our address.