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Industrial Affiliates: Become a Member

Establish industry-and-academia relationships. This program is an opportunity to establish a knowledgeable working relationship between technical personnel in industry and University faculty.
Be the first to know. Affiliates are informed of seminars and special talks so they have the opportunity to remain cognizant of the research progress within our department. Reports, preprints, and reprints are made available to Affiliates to facilitate the flow of information concerning new results and progress in specific areas. The availability of preprints circumvents publication delays of one or more years.
Get exposed to new results and techniques. Our annual conference surveys new results and techniques and explores their impact on current and anticipated future problems.
Work on real world problems. Statisticians require data! More importantly, we need to be in touch with the real world, to make sure we are working on relevant problems.
Evaluate employment opportunities. This association of industrial and academic participants also affords an excellent opportunity for an early evaluation of our graduate students and for them, in turn, to meet the senior research staff of the Affiliate companies.

Membership Options

Each of the member companies contributes $15,000 annually for its participation in the Industrial Affiliates Program in Statistics. Unlike industrial affiliates programs in some universities, these funds are used completely within Statistics to support its research and teaching. These funds are used to

  • support distinguished visitors from industry and other universities during their stay on campus to present lecture series and to aid in research
  • support Statistics computer facilities,
  • support student travel to academic and industry conferences
  • support exploratory research and new appointments
  • maintain the liaison functions, including the annual workshop and faculty visits to the affiliate companies.

Membership Benefits

The Statistics Department Industrial Affiliates Program was established to develop a practical relationship between the Department and University and the industrial community. The following major features of this program contribute significantly to its success.

  • An annual workshop is held to survey new results and techniques and to explore their impact on current and anticipated future problems. Affiliates are invited to make a presentation at this workshop to describe the role of statistics at their company. This association of industrial and academic participants also affords an excellent opportunity for an early evaluation of the graduate students and for them, in turn, to meet the senior research staff of the Affiliate companies.
  • Reports, preprints, and reprints are made available to Industrial Affiliates to facilitate the flow of information concerning new results and progress in specific areas. The availability of preprints circumvents publication delays of one or more years.
  • Affiliates are informed of seminars and special talks so they have the opportunity to remain cognizant of the research progress within the Statistics Department.
  • Contact with faculty and students in other departments of the University can be facilitated through the Industrial Affiliates Program.


To take the next step toward becoming an IA Member, contact any one of the Program Directors.


The Statistics Department Industrial Affiliates Program complies with University policies, principles, and procedures for the establishment and operation of membership programs designed to promote a productive relationship between Stanford and industry, as described in the current Research Policy Handbook.