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Backup and Recovery Service for Servers (BaRS)

A note about versioning…

The number of versions and the length of time that files are retained by BaRS varies depending upon circumstance. The maximum number of versions of a file is seven. I.e., if a file has been modified and saved eight times in eight days, only the seven most current versions will be saved. The latest version is saved indefinitely; older versions age out of the system after 30 to 90 days (the five oldest versions are kept for 30 days; the second most recent version is kept for 90 days. The current version is kept indefinitely, or until the service is terminated). 

Administrative Systems provides data backup and recovery services (BaRS) for servers. Once configured, the software automatically backs up your system to a central, secure storage facility at a specified time each workday. Additional copies are stored offsite. If you accidentally overwrite or delete a file, you can recover it yourself using the client software. File recovery is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Get started

To subscribe to BaRS, contact your local system administrator or LNA or use OrderIT. In the OrderIT request be sure to include as much information as possible, such as number of systems to be backed up, location, contact information, and name of the systems. The BaRS service is available by subscription and is charged monthly to your department’s University IT billing statement. Software license fees and ongoing software maintenance are included.

Learn more

For IT providers

Last modified April 21, 2017