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The Stanford CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Service is designed to allow users to run programs on the web server to provide dynamic content, collect user input, and offer services otherwise unavailable on the default Stanford Web service.

The CGI servers securely executes requested programs out of the owner's AFS space. The owner can be a user, group, or department as long as the owner already has AFS space.

The CGI servers run on the Debian Linux operating system and have the following software installed:

  • Perl version 5.10
  • PHP version 5.3.3
  • Python version 2.6.6

Administrative Systems also offers MySQL service for departments and groups. For more information, see MySQL Database Hosting.


CGI has the following features:

  • Can run software that has been written in Perl, PHP, and Python.
  • Information is available to help web developers create or adapt applications to work in Stanford's web infrastructure. See the PHP Cookbook.

Get started

Activate CGI service for your personal AFS account or request CGI service for a group, department, or class web site.

Learn more

Last modified April 21, 2017