

Read here an update from Provost Persis Drell on Stanford’s efforts in support of undocumented community members and those covered by DACA.

As a result of a federal court order, the federal administration announced on Jan. 13, 2018, that it had resumed accepting requests to renew DACA status. However, a variety of federal court proceedings around DACA are continuing. Stanford encourages those with questions to seek a legal consultation specific to their individual situation. Support services for the Stanford community continue to be available for those who have questions or need assistance.

A variety of counseling and support resources are listed within this website. Students seeking legal consultation may be in touch with the Bechtel International Center at (650) 736-9511 or to be connected to free confidential intakes through the Immigrants’ Rights Clinic of Stanford Law School. Other members of our community can receive a free legal consultation through Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto at (650) 326-6440. Other local resources providing immigration services are available. Additional resources and contacts are on the website of the Immigrants’ Rights Clinic.

Information about Stanford’s privacy and nondiscrimination policies also is available. The university keeps student and personnel records private and will not share such information with immigration agencies unless legally compelled to do so.

Stanford is committed to a welcoming and supportive environment for all students, faculty, staff and scholars, and it provides services and support to them without regard to their immigration status, religion, nationality, ethnicity or other characteristics.

That commitment includes support for undocumented students. We welcome applications from all students who are ready to make the most of the extraordinary academic opportunities available at Stanford.

This website provides information and resources for current members of the Stanford community, prospective students and all others who may have questions about issues related to undocumented status.

The index at left provides links to the statements of university leadership, information about admissions and financial aid, legal resources, ways to obtain counseling and support, our privacy and nondiscrimination policies, and background on the university’s advocacy efforts.