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Sexual Assault

Vaden offers several services for students who experience sexual assault or relationship violence on or off campus. Stanford University offers numerous additional resources. View all resources.

For life-threatening emergencies call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. For non-emergency assistance call Stanford’s Sexual Assault Hotline at 650-725-9955.

Confidential Support Team (CST)

The Confidential Support Team (CST) offers confidential support to Stanford students impacted by sexual assault and relationship violence, including domestic abuse, intimate partner abuse, stalking, and sexual or gender-based harassment. CST services include brief emotional support and ongoing individual counseling. The CST also provides information about your rights and reporting options, as well as support throughout the reporting process if pursued. These appointments are intended to provide confidential support for students who have experienced sexual/relationship violence as well as for those who have questions about how to help a survivor of sexual/relationship violence. The CST is staffed by a licensed psychologist and licensed clinical social worker. There is no charge for Stanford students.

CST Initial Consult Visits are 30-60 minutes in length, depending on your needs. During the initial visit, your CST counselor will provide confidential emotional support and discuss your rights, as well as options and resources related to reporting and further counseling. Most importantly, your CST counselor will support you in making decisions about what next steps are best for you. You can end an initial visit at any point you choose.

Contact CST

  • Walk-in Hours: 8:30 am–5 pm (Monday–Friday) at the Rogers House
  • CST Business Line: (8:30am - 5:00pm for routine matters including scheduling or cencalling appointments): 650-736-6933
  • CST 24/7 Hotline (for urgent concerns): 650-725-9955
  • After-hours, the CST hotline is handled by ProtoCall, a national provider of on-call behavioral health services. ProtoCall’s licensed counselors provide immediate assistance to callers and share information about the call with CST for follow-up the next business morning as appropriate. 

Additional Services

  • Consultation to faculty, staff and student organizations
  • Assistance connecting to other on- and off-campus support resources

Medical Services

Students who have experienced sexual assault or relationship violence are urged to seek appropriate medical evaluation as promptly as possible. Those who are in a life-threatening situation should call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department.

Medical Evidence Collection, Evaluation and Treatment

Students who have or may have been sexually assaulted and would like to receive a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination and Evidence Collection Kit can request to be seen by a nurse at the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose. Call 408-885-5000. Evidence collection is not done at Vaden or at Stanford University Medical Center.

In order to preserve evidence, individuals are advised not to shower, wash, wipe, change clothes or brush their teeth prior to the exam, if possible. A specially trained SART nurse will assess any physical injuries or trauma and collect evidence that may have resulted from the assault that can possibly be used by law enforcement. The nurse will provide testing and treatment for prevention of sexually transmitted infections (including HIV) and pregnancy, as well as directions for follow-up medical care.

Students do not have to make a full report to the police to receive medical treatment. Deputies from the University’s Department of Public Safety can provide an escort, or students can secure their own transportation and a deputy will meet them at the location. For more information on transportation and being accompanied to a medical evidence collection examination, call

YWCA Rape Crisis Hotline at 650-493-7273 or 408-287-3000.

Medical Evaluation, Treatment and Follow Up (Without Evidence Collection)

Vaden Health Center’s medical service offers diagnosis, treatment, follow up and referrals for medical complications of sexual assault and for relationship violence-related problems. Clinicians of either gender are available for evaluation, testing and treatment for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV) and pregnancy. Appointments can be made at or 650-498-2336, ext 1. Outside of clinic hours, students should call Vaden’s on-call physician for urgent medical advice at the same number.

In some cases, medical clinicians at Vaden Health Center may be required by law to report injuries identified as resulting from sexual or relationship violence to law enforcement authorities. If there are concerns about medical clinicians reporting the incident, students should talk with medical staff.

Other Stanford Resources

A complete listing of resources for a student who has experienced sexual assault or relationship violence can be found at Stanford's notalone website.