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Jul 24 2017 | Science Fellow, Research, Stanford
You’re at home playing a virtual reality (VR) game on the Oculus Rift, dodging zombies like a pro. But then you step too far back or look behind you, and suddenly you’re frozen in space, as the system’s infrared cameras can no longer see the lights on your goggles and it loses track of you. Instant...
Jul 17 2017 | Scope Fellow, Research, Stanford
Physicians have to walk a tough line when encouraging healthy behavior. Take Dr. J. She bikes to work, swims over lunch, jogs on the weekend and eats primarily veggies grown in her garden, supplemented by fish and poultry purchased at the local farmer’s market. Will she relate well with Ms. E, who...
Jul 15 2017 | Stanford News Stanford
Stanford mathematics Professor Maryam Mirzakhani, the first and to-date only female winner of the Fields Medal since its inception in 1936, died Friday, July 14. She had been battling breast cancer since 2013; the disease spread to her liver and bones in 2016. Mirzakhani was 40 years old.
Jul 10 2017 | Stanford News Fellow, Research, Stanford
A global study based on daily steps counted by smartphones discovers “activity inequality.” It’s similar to income inequality, except that the “step-poor” are prone to obesity while the “step-rich” tend toward fitness and health.
Jun 30 2017 | Stanford News Research, Stanford
Bay Area teachers gathered at Stanford for a five-week program this spring that provided educators strategies to teach Islam. The program, a collaboration involving three Stanford organizations, doesn’t shy away from Islam’s complicated nature. A unique collaboration at Stanford is bringing a...
