Through a series of workshops and conferences, an interdisciplinary and cross-sector panel of experts are identifying policy tools that the next President might employ to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate the United States’ pivot to a clean energy economy. Participants in thests talks also are looking at how the new President might structure the White House, the Cabinet and the new government’s relationships with state and local officials, the business community and other stakeholders, to effectively implement complex climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives that cut across jurisdictional lines. Workshops held at Stanford in November 2015 and in Washington, D.C., in January 2016 each drew a diverse group of 25 individuals who brought a wealth of experience and perspectives pertinent to the challenging task of identifying potential climate change priorities for our next President.

Participants in the November workshop shared their best ideas on executive actions in the energy, housing, transportation, land use and other sectors that might help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and respond to climate impacts. Conferees considered a range of regulatory, disclosure and information-based tools, as well as partnership opportunities with state, local, tribal, business and NGO leaders.

A summary outline from the event was drafted to guide further discussion as the series leads up to a culminating event at Stanford University that will address both the substantive and governance aspects of the Climate Change Implementation Project. The conference is scheduled for Friday, May 6, 2016.

Sponsors: Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford Law School, the Precourt Institute for Energy, The Hewlett Foundation.