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Bed Bugs

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

When a bed bug infestation is discovered there are multiple methods for controlling it.  It is important to be aware that it will take time and patience; there is no quick fix for eradication. There are both chemical and non-chemical approaches are available. While using one or the other works, it has been found that an approach that uses a combination of both can be the most effective. Using this combination of approaches is often referred to as integrated pest management. 

Preparing for control is very important whether you are considering hiring a professional or planning to do it yourself.

Controlling bed bugs using integrated pest management means using a variety of methods, including both chemical and non-chemical techniques.

If you would like to use a do-it-yourself approach, be sure to come up with a plan to execute to ensure eradication and safety. All do-it-yourself products, especially foggers, should be researched and employed properly. In addition, you should be careful to only use legal control methods, as others may cause serious harm.

Hiring a pest management professional is a good option in many cases, but you need to be careful in how you select a company.

Related Information 

Collaborative Strategy on Bed Bugs - highlights ways that all levels of government, community, academia and private industry can work together to reduce bed bugs across the United States.