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CAA Permitting in EPA's Mountains and Plains Region

EPA's Mountains and Plains region - Region 8 - serves Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, and 27 Tribal Nations

State/Tribal/Local Permitting Authorities

Region 8 has approved authority for these states and other jurisdictions to issue certain CAA permits.  Permit programs in all other areas of Region 8, primarily Indian country, are implemented directly by Region 8.

Contact Information for Region 8 Air Permitting

Mailing Address: Air Program (8P-AR), 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado 80202
Permits Office General e-mail: r8airpermitting@epa.gov
Manager: Deirdre Rothery (rothery.deirdre@epa.gov)

Responsibility Contact Phone
Tribal NSR and PSD Permits Lead Claudia Smith
(303) 312-6520
Part 71 Operating Permits Lead Noreen Okubo
(303) 312-6646
Colorado and Wyoming Oversight DJ Law
(303) 312-7015
South Dakota and Montana Oversight Bob Duraski
(303) 312-6728
North Dakota and Utah Oversight Mike Owens
(303) 312-6440
Southern Ute Indian Tribe Oversight Stuart Siffring
(303) 312-6478
PSD and NSR Permits Modeler Gail Tonnesen
(303) 312-6113