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CAA Permitting on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation

Clean Air Act Title V operating permit program implementation on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation is the responsibility of the Air Quality Program of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe Environmental Programs Division.  Implementation of all other CAA Permitting Programs is currently the responsibility of EPA Region 8.

Responsible Area

Southern Ute Indian Reservation, La Plata County, Colorado

Agency Office

Air Quality Program Exit
Environmental Programs Division, Southern Ute Indian Tribe
P.O. Box 737, Mail Slot #84
Ignacio, CO 81137

Air Permitting Information and Contacts

Air Permitting HomeExit

Part 70 Operating Permits IssuedExit

Public Comments/NoticesExit

General Inquiries
Mark Hutson, Air Quality Program Director

Part 70 Operating Permits 
Danny Powers, Permit Engineer
970-563-4705 ext. 2265

EPA Part 70 Permit Program Oversight Lead
Stuart Siffring

Federal Title V Operating Permit AuthorityExit

Title V Program Approval History

Delegations of Authority for NSPS/NESHAP/MACT