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Office of Inspector General


Reports by Topic

What is the EPA OIG?

The Office of Inspector General performs audits, evaluations, and investigations of the EPA and its contractors to detect an prevent fraud, waste, and abuse. Learn more

Following is a chronological listing of all reports issued by the Office of Inspector General.

Special Reports

Reports by Year

Date Title Publication Number Environmental Goal
2015 Reports      
Oct 14, 2015 EPA Needs to Improve Security Planning and Remediation of Identified Weaknesses in Systems Used to Protect Human Health and the Environment 16-P-0006 Information Technology
Sept 30, 2015 CSB’s Public Meeting Announcement Violated The Government in the Sunshine Act 15-P-0304 Hotline Report: U.S. Chemical Safety Board
Sept 30, 2015 EPA Should Collect Full Costs for Its Interagency Agreements and Report Full Costs for Great Lakes Legacy Act Project Agreements 15-P-0300 Financial Management
Sept 30, 2015 Unused Earmark Funds for Water Projects Totaling $6.2 Million Could Be Put to Better Use 15-P-0299 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
Sept 28, 2015 Early Warning Report: EPA Region 9 Should Withhold Award of the Fiscal Year 2015 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Grant to the Hawaii Department of Health
PODCAST: Report Overview with Lela Wong
15-P-0298 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
Sept 24, 2015 EPA Needs to Improve the Recognition and Administration of Cloud Services for the Office of Water’s Permit Management Oversight System 15-P-0295 Information Technology
Sept 22, 2015 EPA Needs Better Management Controls for Approval of Employee Travel 15-P-0294 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
Sept 22, 2015 EPA Not Fully Compliant With Overtime Policies 15-P-0293 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
Sept 22, 2015 EPA Needs to Improve Recording Information Technology Investments and Issue a Policy Covering All Investments 15-P-0292 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
Sept 21, 2015 Incomplete Contractor Systems Inventory and a Lack of Oversight Limit EPA's Ability to Facilitate IT Governance 15-P-0290 Information Technology
Sept 16, 2015 EPA Needs to Track Whether Its Major Municipal Settlements for Combined Sewer Overflows Benefit Water Quality 15-P-0280 Protecting America’s Waters
Sept 15, 2015 EPA's Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program Lacks Adequate Support and Transparency and Should Be Assessed for Continuation 
PODCAST: Report Overview with Natasha Henry
15-P-0279 Pollution Prevention
Sept 10, 2015 EPA Can Reduce Risk of Undetected Clean Air Act Violations Through Better Monitoring of Settlement Agreements 15-P-0277 Enforcement and Compliance
Sept 4, 2015 EPA Needs Accurate Data on Results of Pollution Prevention Grants to Maintain Program Integrity and Measure Effectiveness of Grants 15-P-0276 Pollution Prevention
Sept 3, 2015 EPA Can Increase Impact of Environmental Justice on Agency Rulemaking by Meeting Commitments and Measuring Adherence to Guidance 15-P-0274 Cleaning Up Communities
Aug 20, 2015 Response to Congressional Request Concerning Political Interference in Release of Documents Under the Freedom of Information Act 15-N-0261 Transparency in Government Information
Aug 19, 2015 Follow-Up Report: EPA Proposes to Streamline the Review, Management and Disposal of Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals 15-P-0260 Pollution Prevention
Aug 3, 2015 Improvements Needed by EPA to Reduce Risk in Employee Hiring Process 15-P-0253 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
July 31, 2015 CSB Needs to Improve Its Acquisition Approvals and Other Processes to Ensure Best Value for Taxpayers 15-P-0245 Hotline Report: U.S. Chemical Safety Board
July 21, 2015 Independent Environmental Sampling Shows Some Properties Designated by EPA as Available for Use Had Some Contamination 15-P-0221 Cleaning Up Communities
July 20, 2015 Internal Controls Needed to Control Costs of Superfund Technical Assessment & Response Team Contracts, as Exemplified in Region 7 15-P-0215 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
July 16, 2015 Enhanced EPA Oversight and Action Can Further Protect Water Resources From the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing
PODCAST: Report Overview with Khadija Walker
15-P-0204 Protecting America's Waters
July 16, 2015 Benefits of EPA Initiative to Promote Renewable Energy on Contaminated Lands Have Not Been Established 15-P-0198 Sustainable Development
July 14, 2015 Quick Reaction Report: EPA Should Ensure Positions Vacated Under Buyouts Are Eliminated or Properly Filled 15-P-0184 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
July 10, 2015 Fiscal Years 2013 and 2012 Financial Statements for the Pesticide Registration Fund 15-1-0181 Financial Management
July 10, 2015 Fiscal Years 2013 and 2012 Financial Statements for the Pesticides Reregistration and Expedited Processing Fund 15-1-0180 Financial Management
July 6, 2015 EPA Does Not Effectively Control or Monitor Imports of Hazardous Waste
PODCAST: Report Overview with Jim Kohler
15-P-0172 Enforcement and Compliance
June 29, 2015 CSB's Fiscal Year 2014 Purchase Card Program Assessed as High Risk 15-N-0171 U.S. Chemical Safety Board
June 19, 2015 Improvements Needed to Ensure EPA Terminates Exceptions to Biweekly Pay Limits at Completion of Emergency Response Work 15-P-0170 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
June 17, 2014 Some Safeguards in Place for Long-Term Care of Disposed Hazardous Waste, But Challenges Remain 15-P-0169 Cleaning Up Communities
June 16, 2015 EPA Should Update Guidance to Address the Release of Potentially Harmful Quantities of Asbestos That Can Occur Under EPA's Asbestos Demolition Standard
PODCAST: Overview with Michael Wilson
15-P-0168 Pollution Prevention
June 15, 2015 Time and Attendance Fraud Not Identified for Employees on Extended Absence, But Matters of Concern Brought to EPA's Attention 15-P-0167  Spending Taxpayer Dollars
June 11, 2015 Improved Oversight of EPA's Grant Monitoring Program Will Decrease the Risk of Improper Payments 15-P-0166 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
June 11, 2015 Walker River Paiute Tribe Needs to Improve Its Internal Controls to Comply With Federal Regulations 15-2-0165 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
May 28, 2015 EPA's Key Management Challenges 2015
PODCAST: Overview with Erin Barnes-Weaver
May 27, 2015 Semiannual Report to Congress / October 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015 EPA-350-R-15-001  
May 15, 2015 EPA's Oversight of State Pesticide Inspections Needs Improvement to Better Ensure Safeguards for Workers, Public and Environment Are Enforced 15-P-0156 Chemical Safety
May 1, 2015 CSB Complied With Reporting Requirements of the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act for Fiscal Year 2014  15-P-0153

Oversight of the CSB 

May 1, 2015 EPA Complied With Improper Payment Legislation, But Opportunities for Improvement Exist 15-P-0152 Financial Management
Apr 17, 2015 Conditions in the U.S. Virgin Islands Warrant EPA Withdrawing Approval and Taking Over Management of Some Environmental Programs and Improving Oversight of Others 15-P-0137

Implementing Environmental Programs

Apr 9, 2015 EPA Can Better Assure Continued Operations at National Computer Center Through Complete and Up-to-Date Documentation for Contingency Planning 15-P-0136 Information Technology
Mar 16, 2015 To Ensure Greater Use of Scientific Equipment, the Office of Research and Development Should Use an Enterprise Approach to Property Management 15-P-0115 Information Technology
Mar 5, 2015 EPA Needs to Justify How It Is Using Title 42 Hiring Authority 15-P-0109 Science and Research
Feb 26, 2015 EPA Regions Have Considered Environmental Justice When Targeting Facilities for Air Toxics Inspections  15-P-0101 Air Quality
Feb 23, 2015 Quick Reaction Report: EPA Pesticide Inspections Must Resume in North Dakota to Determine Compliance and Protect Human Health and the Environment 15-P-0099 Enforcement and Compliance
Feb 5, 2015 Improvements Needed by EPA OIG to Reduce Risk in Employee Hiring Process 15-B-0076 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
Feb 4, 2015 EPA OIG Not Fully Compliant With Overtime Policies 15-B-0075 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
Feb 4, 2015 EPA OIG Not Fully Compliant With OIG Policy on Time and Attendance Reporting 15-B-0074 Spending Taxpayer Dollars
Feb 3, 2015 Key Aspects of CSB Information Security Program Need Improvement 15-P-0073 Oversight of the CSB 
Feb 2, 2015 Costs of $1.2 Million for Brownfields Cooperative Agreement to Pioneer Valley Planning Commission in Massachusetts Questioned  15-4-0072 Financial Management
Jan 21, 2015 Quick Reaction Report: Complete and Clear Information on the Effectiveness of Ebola Disinfectants Will Better Inform the Public 15-P-0064 Chemical Safety
Jan 7, 2015 EPA Needs to Improve Outreach and Communication About the National Pesticide Information Center's Role and Services  15-P-0046 Chemical Safety

OIG Independence of EPA

The EPA's Office of Inspector General is a part of EPA, although Congress provides our funding separate from the agency, to ensure our independence. We were created pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended Exit.

Environmental Protection Agency  |  Office of Inspector General
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (2410T)  |  Washington, DC 20460  |  (202) 566-2391
OIG Hotline: 1-888-546-8740