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Region 8

FOIA Reading Room

This page provides links to several extensive EPA sources and databases, as well as to frequently requested information.

Frequently Requested Materials

CAA-Regulated Sources in Region 8 Indian Country

Here is a list of industrial sources of air pollution(584 pp, 555 K)  in Region 8 that are actively regulated under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration, Minor New Source Review and/or Title V Operating Permit Programs directly implemented by the EPA in Indian country.

Cotter Corporation/Lincoln Park:



Regional Haze:

Below are EPA's final actions on the Regional Haze SIPs for each of the six EPA Region 8 states/

EPA Sources & Databases:

AIRData provides information on air pollution data for the entire United States. Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) – Compliance Data & Air Facility Information.

EPA Envirofacts provides access to environmental information contained in its databases. Information on Air, Chemicals, Facility Information, Grants/Funding, Hazardous Waste, Spatial Data, Superfund, Toxic Releases, Water Permits and Drinking Water can be accessed.

The Region 8 Technical Library & Information Center has skilled librarians and researchers who can help you access a wide range of environmental information, including the EPA National Library Network. The library has other electronic and on-site resources such as CD-ROMs.

The National Technical Information Service Exit is the federal government's central source for the sale of scientific, technical, engineering, and related business information produced by or for the U.S. government and complementary material from international sources.

AIRData provides information on air pollution data for the entire United States. Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) – Compliance Data & Air Facility Information

CERCLIS Hazardous Waste Sites, by State – (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System) – Superfund

TRI (Toxics Release Inventory) Data – information about toxic chemicals that are being used, manufactured, treated, transported, or released into the environment.