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Region 8

Libby Major Milestones

Riverfront Park ribbon-cutting ceremony in 2013

2015 – EPA releases the Site-wide Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment.

2014 – EPA releases the Draft Site-wide Human Health Risk Assessment.

2014 – EPA releases final Libby Amphibole asbestos (LA) specific toxicity values: Toxicological Review of Libby Amphibole asbestos. The assessment evaluates cancer and non-cancer health hazards and exposure-response of Libby Amphibole asbestos.

2014 – EPA releases the Remedial Investigation Report for residential and commercial properties in Libby (Operable Unit 4).

2013 – Completed redevelopment of the former export plant and celebrated opening of Riverfront Park.

2013 – Total soil removal at properties within Libby and Troy reaches more than one million cubic yards of soil. As of October 2013, EPA had completed removal actions at more than 2,000 properties.

2011 – EPA releases draft Libby Amphibole asbestos (LA) specific toxicity values to the public for comment. A Science Advisory Board is formed to review the draft LA-specific toxicity assessment, as well as any comments received during the public comment period.

2010 – Records of Decision that outline the selected remedies for Operable Unit 1 (former export plant) and Operable Unit 2 (screening plant) are signed, paving the way for these properties to be returned to productive reuse.

2009 – For the first time in the history of the agency, EPA declares (under Superfund) a Public Health Emergency in Libby to provide federal health care assistance for victims of asbestos related disease.

2008 – EPA negotiates the largest cash settlement in Superfund history ($250,000,000) to recover cleanup costs from the W.R. Grace Corporation.

2002 – The Libby Asbestos site is added to the National Priorities List (NPL) of Superfund sites. 3000+ properties are screened and residential cleanups begin.

1999 – EPA responds to citizen, local government and media concerns regarding possible exposure to asbestos from nearby vermiculite mine. EPA emergency responders begin to characterize the nature and extent of the asbestos contamination in Lincoln County and to execute the removal of the main sources of asbestos in population centers.