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Research Grants

Air Research Grants

Air Research Grants BannerEPA’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program supports air pollution research through research grants in three broad areas:

  • Measuring air pollution exposure and effects in humans and ecosystems.
  • Delivering innovative tools and technologies to reduce and prevent harmful emissions.
  • Delivering modeling, monitoring, measurement metrics and critical science information to make decisions regarding air quality to protect public health and the environment.

Recent Air Research Grants

These air research grants are currently open or have been awarded within the past five years.

For a complete listing of EPA Air Research Grants: Air Research Projects.

Recent Funding Opportunities

These funding opportunities are closed for applications.  Award recipients have not been announced.

Stay Current on Research Funding Opportunities & Events

Sign up for EPA’s National Center for Environmental Research listserv to receive announcements on new funding opportunities, upcoming research meetings and webinars, and special announcements. Research Grants Listserv