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Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

Explore a TRI Facility

This graphic shows a sample (fictional) TRI facility that manufactures rubber products. For selected industrial processes at the facility, you can learn about how and where these three TRI chemicals are used, managed, and released into the environment: 

  • Lead Compounds
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PACs)
  • Zinc Compounds 

Click on any of the numbers in the graphic to get started.

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About This Webpage

The diagram shown above illustrates an example of a facility that meets TRI reporting requirements, including how and where TRI chemicals are used at the facility. The diagram is not intended to represent exactly what happens at every TRI facility, as chemicals and processes vary across facilities and industry sectors.

Please note that definitions of TRI terms on this webpage have been simplified for educational purposes and should not be relied upon to determine your facility’s TRI reporting obligations. See the most recent Reporting Forms and Instructions document for extensive reporting guidance.

Finally, please also note that this diagram only encompasses information that relates to TRI reporting and doesn’t reflect if or how this facility is regulated by other EPA programs.