Planned Giving

Remembering Stanford GSB in your estate plans helps sustain and strengthen the school well beyond your lifetime. Planned giving can be a tax-efficient way to achieve financial and estate planning goals while leaving a lasting legacy at the GSB.

Options for an Enduring GSB Legacy

There are many ways to include charitable giving in your estate plans:

Bequests: A flexible and popular way to leave a legacy.

IRAs: An easy, tax-efficient way to support the GSB.

Life Income Gifts: A great way to leave a legacy at the school while taking care of yourself or loved ones.

More options: For information on other gift arrangements, including charitable lead trusts, real estate gifts, and life insurance policies, please contact the GSB Development Office.

GSB Legacy Partners

The GSB thanks and recognizes those who make planned gifts to the school as GSB Legacy Partners. GSB Legacy Partners is affiliated with the university’s Founding Grant Society, which recognizes planned gifts to any part of the university. Those honored as GSB Legacy Partners will also be recognized as members of the Founding Grant Society. For more information contact