Office of National AIDS Policy Blog

  • The Next Step of the HIV/AIDS Strategy

    Editor's note: This post was originally posted on The Huffington Post. You find it here.

    Three years ago, President Obama announced an historic comprehensive plan to help turn the tide on HIV/AIDS in the United States: the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. The Strategy has given a new sense of direction, and purpose in our fight against HIV and AIDS.

    Since the Strategy’s release, scientific developments have advanced our understanding of how to best fight HIV.  We now understand that to prevent long-term complications of HIV, treatment is recommended for all adults and adolescents living with HIV in the United States.

    This is a significant shift; previous recommendations were to hold treatment until people showed signs of immune decline. Recent research also shows that an important benefit of earlier treatment is that it dramatically reduces the risk of HIV transmission to partners.  Furthermore, HIV testing technology is faster, and more accurate than ever before, and HIV drug treatment is less toxic, and easier to administer. 

    All of this has powerful implications for how we focus our efforts. 

    And there is a clear need to do so: data released since the Strategy shows that along the HIV continuum of care-- which is the progression from diagnosis to receiving optimal treatment -- nearly 200,000 persons living with HIV in the United States are undiagnosed, and only 1 in 4 has the virus under control.

    Today we are thrilled to announce two new developments specifically focused on addressing many of the factors that lead people to fall out of the continuum of care.

    First, President Obama signed an Executive Order creating the HIV Care Continuum Initiative.

    The Initiative directs Federal agencies to prioritize addressing the continuum of HIV care, by accelerating efforts and directing existing federal resources to increase HIV testing, services, and treatment, and improve patient access to all three.

  • Take Action: Get Tested

    Today, in a statement, the President highlighted the importance of HIV testing:

    "Today is National HIV Testing Day, when we encourage people across the United States to get tested. Early detection and treatment for HIV saves lives, and yet over half of adults in the United States have never been tested. Nearly one in five people living with HIV in this country doesn’t know his or her status. That delays treatment,  increases the risk of transmission, and sets us back in our fight  against the epidemic. 

    Getting an HIV test is easier and faster than ever. And this past April, the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommended that everyone between the ages of 15 and 65 get screened for HIV as part of their routine health care. That means, under the Affordable Care Act, new health care plans will be required to cover HIV testing without any additional out-of-pocket costs.

    But more Americans still need to decide to take the test.  We know from experience here at home and around the world that HIV testing opens the door to treatment, reduces the spread of the virus, and helps people lead longer, healthier lives.  That’s why, on a trip to Africa in 2006, Michelle and I were tested for HIV – because there should be no shame or stigma associated with knowing your status.  And if we each do our part by getting tested – and encourage our friends and family to do the same – then we will move closer to an AIDS-free generation."

    As the President pointed out, getting tested is about taking action – so take the time and get tested.

    To see a video from me on the importance of getting tested, click here. To see a video from the President’s trip to Africa in 2006, click here.

    Ask your healthcare provider for the test. Or find the nearest HIV testing center to you.

    Grant Colfax, MD is the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy

  • May 19th is National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

    As we celebrate Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Heritage Month and the many accomplishments of AAPIs, we also want to recognize that these communities still face many barriers to health and health care, including HIV/AIDS. To recognize these challenges, May 19thhas been designated as the National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The theme for this year’s observance is: “Saving face can’t make you safe. Talk about HIV—for me, for you, for everyone.”

    According to the Banyan Tree Project which founded the observance:

    “Saving face” is a common cultural concept in A&PI communities, where individuals seek to protect the family from perceived public shame or disgrace. In practice, “saving face” contributes to silence about sex, HIV, and safe sex practices. Saving face and stigma also lead to higher rates of HIV infection and a lack of knowledge about one’s HIV status.

    In addition to cultural challenges, many AAPIs in the United States experience economic and language barriers that contribute to discrimination and make HIV prevention, care, and treatment efforts even more challenging.

    We are working to address some of the factors that contribute to a culture of silence and to health disparities in AAPI communities. And we are using new tools and technologies to help reach those at greatest risk for, or living with, HIV/AIDS.

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services continues to look for ways to bridge the difficulties that some AAPI individuals and communities have in accessing medical care. To that end, we recently issued enhanced National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (CLAS Standards), which guide health professionals and organizations in delivering culturally respectful and linguistically responsive care.

  • HIV Vaccine Awareness Day Bulletin

    Editor's Note: This is a cross post from the blog. You can find the original post here.

    The implementation of scientifically proven HIV prevention strategies is helping to reduce the number of new infections — the annual HIV infection rate globally fell by 22 percent from 2001 to 2011 — but a great deal more must be done. Significant scale-up of proven HIV prevention strategies coupled with the discovery of new HIV treatment and prevention interventions are needed to achieve an end to the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. A safe, effective and durable HIV vaccine is an essential cornerstone to the long-term strategy to achieve this goal.

    Developing a safe and effective HIV vaccine has been a long and difficult process largely because HIV has proven to be an especially tough target. Recent developments with the HVTN 505 clinical trial and analyses from the HVTN 503 “Phambili” vaccine study have been disappointing, but they also provided clear answers about investigational vaccine strategies that, ultimately, were not effective. Still, the new directions for HIV vaccines that have been recently initiated define our future path and will be pursued.

    Among many projects, scientists continue to explore findings from the RV 144 HIV vaccine study in Thailand, which, in 2009, provided proof-of-concept that an HIV vaccine can afford a modest level of protection. Ongoing research related to the Thai trial is providing important information about human immune responses and other factors that may explain why the investigational vaccine protected some trial volunteers from HIV infection but not others. Such data will help advance researchers’ understanding of HIV’s structure and vulnerabilities and help guide the development of future HIV vaccine candidates. Large-scale investigational vaccine clinical trials designed to build on the RV 144 results and create a more robust and durable level of protection are expected to begin in two-to-three years in South Africa.

    In basic research, scientists are making important discoveries about broadly neutralizing antibodies capable of disabling a wide range of HIV strains when tested in the laboratory setting. For example, NIAID scientists recently charted the co-evolution of HIV and a strong antibody response in an HIV-infected study participant, who is one of the 20 percent of HIV-infected individuals who naturally develops broadly neutralizing antibodies to the virus after several years of infection. Their findings could help identify which proteins to use in an investigational vaccine to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies more quickly. In another advance, a team of NIH scientists recently developed a new tool to identify broadly neutralizing antibodies from blood samples, which could help speed HIV vaccine research.

  • May 18th HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD): A Conversation with Dr. Carl Dieffenbach

    Editor's Note: This is a cross post from the blog. You can find the original post here.

    May 18th is HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD), led by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health. We spoke to Dr. Carl Dieffenbach at NIH, who had this to say about HIV Vaccine Awareness Day:

    “[On Vaccine Awareness Day] we can take a moment to acknowledge the study participants who have given their time, their energy, . . .  to the study of HIV vaccines.”

    Watch the HIV Vaccine Awareness Day video to hear the rest of his comments and visit the HIV Vaccine Awareness Day website for resources to help community members support the day. To learn more about HIV/AIDS and the Federal response, including information on federally funded research, visit

    Miguel Gomez is Director of, and Senior Communications Advisor, Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 

  • Courage, Strength, Resilience: Women Fight AIDS

    On Monday, I attended the launch of EMPOWERED, Alicia Keys’ new campaign with Greater than AIDS to reach and inform women about HIV/AIDS, at an event hosted by the Kaiser Family Foundation. This is the second event that Alicia Keys and I have attended at Kaiser within the last year, both focused on ending AIDS.

    The women were thrilled to meet Alicia Keys, and Alicia, who was deeply moved by their stories, committed to add her powerful international voice to helping to end the epidemic here in the U.S. Alicia and I intended to lift up the women. But really, it was their strength, courage, resilience, good spirit, and humor that lifted us up.

    The HIV crisis touches every corner of the globe. And it’s personally touched so many of us, including here at home. We all have tragic stories about how HIV/AIDS has affected our family and friends, and these stories propel us all to continue to fight to end this disease.

    Monday's event addressed one of the tragic realities of HIV in our country. The HIV epidemic continues in the United States, with about 50,000 new HIV infections each year. And while about one-quarter of new HIV infections are among women, three-quarters of new infections among women occur among black and Latina women.