
  • Professor Garry Nolan

    Graduate School

    1983-1989 Scientific Advisor:
    Leonard Herzenberg
    Department of Genetics, Stanford University

    • Immunogenetics & CD8 cloning / characterization with H. Nakauchi
    • Individual Cell Gene Expression, Epigenetics of Mammalian Gene Expression
    • Retroviral Integration systems with splice acceptors for in situ gene expression from active chromatin
    • Whole Animal Cell Sorting of Drosophila
    • Thesis: Individual cell gene regulation studies and in situ detection of transcriptionally active chromatin using fluorescence activated cell sorting with a viable cell fluorogenic assay

    Postdoctoral Work
    1990-1993 Scientific Advisor:
    David Baltimore
    Whitehead Institute (MIT), Rockefeller University

    • Cloning and characterization of NFkB p65/RelA
    • Development of the 293T based retroviral packaging and delivery system with Warren Pear


    Read full currilculum vitae

  • Felice Alessio Bava, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.Sc. Biotechnology, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy 2004. M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy 2006 . Ph.D. Biomedicine, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, 2012
    Specialties : Molecular biology, biochemistry
    Field : RNA and cancer biology

    Projects: Epigenetic control of RNA signatures in cancer

  • Salil Bhate, BA MMath

    Position : Graduate student, coadvised by Professor Stanley Qi
    Education : BA (Mathematics), University of Cambridge, 2013. MMath (Mathematics), University of Cambridge, 2014
    Specialties : Machine learning for analysis of high-parameter tissue images, geometry, synthetic biology
    Field : Machine learning, neural networks, cellular engineering, cancer immunotherapy

    Projects: Deep neural networks to identify and characterize cellular niches. High-parameter in situ CRISPR screening

  • Sarah Black, B.S.

    Position : LSRP
    Education : B.S. Human Biology, University of California, San Diego
    Specialties : Antibody conjugation and titration, Molecular biology techniques, sectioning
    Field : Immunology

    Projects: Multiplexed antibody staining and imaging

  • Tyler Burns, B.A.

    Position : Ph.D. Candidate, IDP - Cancer Biology
    Education : B.A. Biology, Stanford University.
    Specialties : NFkB signaling, murine models of cancer and brain development
    Field : Cancer Biology

    Projects: Single cell transcriptome and interactome analysis within the context of cancer.

  • Shih-Yu Chen, M.D., Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : M.D., National Taiwan University; . Ph.D., Neuroscience, University of California, Davis 
    Specialties : Immnotheraphy, Biomarker development
    Field : Translational research and Immunology

    Projects: Systems Biology of Natural Killer Cells Measured by Single Cell Mass Cytometry

  • Xavier Rovira Clavé, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.Sc. Biology, University of Barcelona, 2010; M.Sc. Immunology, University of Barcelona, 2011; Ph.D. Biomedicine, University of Barcelona, 2016.
    Specialties : Immunology, mouse models of cancer, molecular biology
    Field : Immunology, cancer biology

    Projects: The interplay between nuclear architecture and gene expression in tumor initiation

  • Ahmet F. Coskun, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.S. Koc University, Turkey. M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles.
    Specialties : Quantitative Biology and Bioengineering
    Field : Microscopy, Image Sequencing, Single Cell Systems Immunology and Cancer Systems Biology

    Website :

    Projects : Spatial Proteomics in Single Cells; Mathematical Subcellular Imaging of Proteome; and Deep Profiling of Tumors for Immunotherapy

  • Wendy J. Fantl, Ph.D.

    Position : Assistant Professor . Division of Gynecologic Oncology .Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Education : A Biochemistry University of York UK. Ph.D Protein Biochemistry Rockefeller University. UCSF Post-doc and Adjunct Assistant Professor. Spent 16 years in the private sector (Biotech/Pharma/start-up arena)
    Specialties : My passion is in the mechanistic understanding of intracellular signaling and its application to understanding disease mechanism and drug development with “eye on the prize” of a translational endpoint!! Current interests are to apply the recently described multi-parametric single-cell mass cytometry platform to identify disease-causing cell subpopulations and their signaling networks in ovarian cancer
    Field : Algorithm Design, Bioinformatics, Flow/Mass Cytometry, Machine Learning, Personalized Cancer Medicine, Statistics, Cancer Stem Cells, Systems Immunology

    Projects : Proteomic and molecular characterization of primary ovarian cancer at the single cell level

  • Yury Goltsev, Ph.D.

    Position : Senior Research Scientist
    Education : M.Sc. Biophysics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Ph.D., Ph.D. Molecular Immunology, Weizmann Institute of Science
    Specialties : Single cell analysis of gene expression, RNA flow
    Field : Immunology, Cancer Biology

    Projects: Single cell analysis of trancriptional networks implicated in hematopoiesis

  • Veronica Gonzalez Muñoz, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : M.Sc., Molecular Biology, Stockholm University; Ph.D., Experimental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet; Postdoctoral Fellow Virology/Immunology, NIDDK/NIH
    Specialties : T and NK cell biology, Viral host-pathogen interactions, HIV-1, HCV
    Field : Immunology

    Projects: Immune phenotyping and characterization of HIV-1 Elite controllers

  • Zinaida Good, M.Sc.

    Position : Ph.D. student, Immunology
    Education : B.Sc. Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2008
    M.Sc. Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2012
    Specialties : Differentiation towards and within the hematopoietic lineage, processing bodies in T and B lymphocytes, cancer stem cells, viral safety in production of biologics, TLR signaling in endothelial cells
    Field : Computational and Systems Immunology

    Website :

    Projects : Mechanisms of pluripotent to hematopoietic stem cell transitions in the human; CyTOF assay development; identification and comparison of developmental paths from mass cytometry data.

  • Guojun Han, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral fellow
    Education : Ph.D. Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China, 2013
    Specialties : Analytical chemistry, Bioconjugation chemistry, Atomic spectrometry, Metallomics
    Field : Flow/Mass cytometry, Elemental labeling strategy, NK cell biology

    Projects : Single cell analysis with high dimensional mass cytometry

  • Ying-Wen Huang, M.S.

    Position : Research Assistant
    Education : B.S. Pharmacy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan M.S. Pharmacology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
    M.S. Biology, Stanford University
    Specialties : FACS phosphoprotein analysis
    Field : Immunology and Cancer Biology

    Projects : Single Cell Analysis of Ovarian Cancer

  • Gina Jager, B.S.

    Position : LSRP
    Education : Rutgers University, NJ: B.S. in Biology
    Specialties : Facilities Manager, DPA and space coordinator for Baxter Labs, Tissue culture specialist, purchasing, animal protocol administrator and FACSCalibur training.

  • Sizun Jiang, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.S. Molecular Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011. Ph.D., Virology, Harvard University, 2017.
    Specialties : Virology, Cancer Biology, Transcription, Epigenomics, Next-Generation Sequencing
    Field : Chromatin Biology, Microbiology & Immunology

    Projects : Visualizing chromatin interactions via Imaging Cytometry. Uncovering epigenetic drivers of disease.

  • Shigemi Kinoshita, Ph.D.

    Position : Senior Research Scientist
    Education : Education: Ph.D., Osaka University.
    Specialties : Random peptide library screening, combinatorial chemistry
    Field : Immunology and Virology

    Projects : Genetic determination of host processes for viral replication

  • Melissa Ko, S.B.

    Position : Graduate Student
    Education : S.B. Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012
    Specialties : Cell signaling, apoptosis

    Projects : Dissecting signaling events of TRAIL-induced apoptotic progression
    Elucidating non-genetic mechanisms of resistance to cancer therapeutics

  • David McIlwain, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.Sc. - Anatomy and Cell Biology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2003 .Ph.D. - Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2011. Postdoctoral - Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectious Disease, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2014
    Specialties : Knockout mice, Viral infection, T-Cells, Innate immunity, Rhomboid proteases, Cell death
    Field : Microbiology & Immunology, Mass Cytometry, Systems Immunology

    Projects : Deep profiling of single-cell immune phenotypes of mutant mice
    Immune network mapping of time-dependent host infection responses

  • Nikolay Samusik, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B. Sc. Biology, St Petersburg State University, Russia, 2007. Ph.D. Systems Biology, Technical University of Dresden, Germany, 2012
    Specialties : Algorithm Design, Computational analysis of single-cell data, clustering, data visualization, imaging assay development, image analysis, conjugation chemistry
    Field : Algorithm Design, Bioinformatics, Flow/Mass Cytometry, Machine Learning, Statistics, Systems Immunology, Microscopy, Imaging cytometry


    Projects : Single cell analysis of transcriptional networks implicated in hematopoiesis
    Algorithms for unsupervised mapping of cell populations from mass cytometry data; Single-cell profiling of ovarian cancer

  • Tung-Hung Su, M.D., Ph.D.

    Position : Visiting Scholar
    Education : M.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan; . Ph.D., Clinical Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Specialties : Hepatology, Viral hepatitis B and C, Liver fibrosis Field : Translational research and Hepatology

    Projects : Immunophenotypes in liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma

  • Angelica Trejo, B.S.

    Position : LSRP Lab Manager
    Education : Stanford University: B.S. in Biology
    Specialties : Sectioning, in situ hybridization, histochemistry, and confocal microscopy.

  • Gustavo Vazquez, B.A.

    Position : LSRP
    Education : B.A. Biology, B.A. Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Specialties : Molecular biology techniques, Antibody conjugation and titration, Tissue culture
    Field : Immunology
    Projects : Multiplexed antibody staining and imaging

  • Jianxin Zhao, M.S., M.D.

    Position : LSRP
    Education : MD: medicine, Hunan Medical University, China. MS: pathology, Hunan Medical University, China.
    Specialties : Pathology, IHC, ISH
    Field : Pathology in clinic and research


  • Nima Aghaeepour, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.Sc. Computer Science, University of Tehran, 2008. Ph.D., Bioinformatics, University of British Columbia, 2012.
    Specialties : Computational Biology
    Field : Algorithm Design, Bioinformatics, Flow/Mass Cytometry, Machine Learning, Personalized Cancer Medicine, Statistics, Cancer Stem Cells, Systems Immunology

    Projects: Cross-sample analysis of mass cytometry datasets for mapping of the normal immune system, identification of phenotypic and functional correlates of clinical outcomes, and drug screening on tumor initiating cells guided by signaling pathways.

  • Greg Behbehani, M.D., Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.S. (Biology), University of Cincinnati, M.D. / Ph.D. (Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology) University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
    Specialties : Internal Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology, Mass Cytometry, Analysis of Primary Tissue Samples, Cell Multiplexing, High-Parameter Fluorescent Flow Cytometry, Cell Cycle Analysis, Chemotherapy Response
    Field : Hematology and Oncology, Stem Cell Biology

    Projects: High-content single cell analysis of proliferation and chemotherapy response in hematologic malignancies.

  • Zach Bjornson-Hooper, S.B.

    Position : Ph.D. Candidate, Microbiology & Immunology
    Education : S.B., Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Specialties : Virology, Genomics, Programming and Informatics
    Field : Microbiology & Immunology

    Projects: Multispecies comparative immune signaling to biothreat agents. Healthy-normal immune signaling.

  • Kara L. Davis, D.O.

    Position : Instructor of Pediatrics
    Education : B.A. Letters, Arts, Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, 2000
    Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, 2004
    Specialties : Healthy B cell development, B cell progenitor lymphoblastic leukemia, single cell analysis, mass cytometry, flow cytometry
    Field : Pediatrics, Pediatric Oncology

    Projects:Uncovering Transcriptional Regulation Governing Healthy Human B cell Development
    Single-cell Developmental Classification of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
    Single Cell Analysis of Targeted Inhibition of Signaling Pathways in DLBCL

  • Harris Fienberg, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : Stanford University, B.S. Biological Sciences, B.A. English. University of Basel, MSc Evolutionary Biology
    Specialtie s: Cell death, apoptosis, regulatory signaling networks
    Field :Systems biology, cancer biology

    Projects: Systematic Analysis of Compensatory Signaling in TRAIL Induced Apoptosis with Mass Cytometry

  • Gabi Fragiadakis, B.A.

    Position : PhD student, Microbiology and Immunology
    Education : BA in Molecular and Cellular Biology from University of California, Berkeley
    Specialties : Mass cytometry, human immunology, perioperative immunity, statistics and machine learning
    Field : Systems immunology

    Projects: Cross-sample analysis of mass cytometry datasets for mapping of the healthy human immune system, identification of functional correlates of clinical outcomes in surgery patients.

  • Andreas Frei, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : BSc – Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland; . MSc – Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland;
    PhD – Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland;
    Specialties : Mass Spectrometry, Chemoproteomics, Protein-Protein Interactions
    Field : Method development, Epigenetics, Phenotypic drug screening

    Projects: Continuous single-cell reference maps for the induced epigenetic reprogramming of cells

  • Brice Gaudilliere M.D., Ph.D.

    Position : Instructor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
    Education : BS, Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France) – Ph.D., Neurobiology/Biochemistry, Harvard Medical School – M.D., Harvard-MIT HST – Residency, Anesthesia, Stanford
    Specialties : Anesthesiology
    Field : Anesthesiology/Human Immunology

    Website :

    Projects: Single-cell analysis of the human immune response to acute physiological perturbations (i.e. surgery, trauma, pregnancy). Immunological basis of clinical recovery after surgery and peri-operative interventions.

  • Pier Federico Gherardini, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.S., Biotechnology, University of Rome Tor Vergata, 2004; M.S., Bioinformatics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, 2006;
    PhD, Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2009, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
    Specialties : Computational biology, models of biological signaling, analysis of high-throughput datasets, structural bioinformatics.
    Field : Computational biology/Cancer biology/Epigenetics

    Projects: The interplay between epigenetic modifications and apoptotic signaling in cancer

  • Matthew B. Hale, Ph.D.

    Position : Research Scientist
    Education : Yale University: B.S. in Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology, Stanford University: Ph.D. in Molecular Pharmacology
    Specialties: Flow Cytometry, Phosphoprotein Analysis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, CAD, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Embedded Systems Design, Lab Automation, Microfluidics
    Field : Immunology and Microfluidics

    Projects : Development of automated systems for comprehensive clinical sample processing for conventional and advanced single cell analysis platforms.

  • Elena Hsieh, MD

    Position : Instructor of Pediatrics
    Education : B.S. Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, UCLA 2002; M.D. UCSF 2008”→ B.S. Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, UCLA 2002; M.D. UCSF 2008; Pediatric residency, UCLA 2011; Allergy and Immunology fellowship, Stanford 2014
    Specialties : human TLR signaling networks, TLR dysregulation in autoimmune disease, healthy infant immune development
    Field : Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Primary Immunodeficiency and Autoimmunity

    Projects : Systems view of innate immune signaling and cytokine networks in primary immunodeficiency and autoimmune complications

  • Julia Kennedy-Darling, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.S., University of Chicago, 2009; M.S., University of Chicago, 2009; PhD, Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014
    Specialties : Mass spectrometry, proteomics, analytical chemistry
    Field : Chemical biology

    Projects : Spatial distribution of immune cells within tumor microenvironments

  • Christina Loh, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
    Education : B.Sc. Biology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2004
    Ph.D. Immunology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2011
    Specialties : Animal models of immunological diseases (i.e. induced or spontaneous), systemic autoimmunity, immunogenetics
    Field : B and T cell tolerance, T cell homeostasis, Flow/Mass Cytometry, MIcroRNAs

    Projects : Elucidating the role of miR181ab1 locus in T cell function and homeostasis.

  • Monica Nicolau, Ph.D.

    Position : Research Associate
    Education : B.A. Mathematics, Barnard College – Columbia University
    Ph.D. Mathematics – High dimensional algebraic and geometric topology, Rutgers University
    Thesis Title: A classification of invariant knots
    NIH/NHGRI Mentored Research Scientist Development Grant K01 HG00030
    U.C. Berkeley – Statistics & Stanford University School of Medicine – Genetics 2004
    Specialties : Computational systems biology, topological data analysis, geometric transformations of large data, mathematical analysis of complex networks of large data, especially single cell data and omic data.
    Field : Mathematics and Statistics with applications to computational biology.
    Website :

    Projects : Algorithms for the analysis of single-cell data; Single-cell profiling of ovarian cancer; Single-cell profiling of immune response to influenza vaccine.

  • Matthew Spitzer, B.S.

    Position : Ph.D. Candidate
    Education : B.S. in Biology from Georgetown University
    Specialties:Immunology, mass cytometry, mouse models of disease, systems immunology, tumor immunology, immunotherapy
    Field: Immunology

    Projects: Development of the immune system reference map, algorithm development for single-cell analysis, discerning organism-wide immune regulation, determining organization and behavior within the tumor-immune network

  • Eli Zunder, Ph.D.

    Position : Postdoc
    Education : B.A. Dartmouth College. Ph.D. University of California, San Francisco
    Field: Immunology, Stem Cell Biology
    Specialties : Mass Cytometry,

    Projects : Analysis of iPS Cell Reprogramming and Differentiation by Single Cell Mass Cytometry

    Cell Multiplexing, Kinase Inhibition

Professor Garry Nolan

Professor, Microbiology & Immunology - Baxter Laboratory

Member, Bio-X Member, Child Health Research Institute Member, Stanford Cancer Institute

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Brenda Roth
Tel: (650) 725-7002
Fax: (650) 723-2383