Day Lab News

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Spinraza, the first FDA-approved drug that addresses the underlying cause of SMA, is now available commercially in the United States.

The Stanford SMA program has helped investigate Spinraza’s effects, and is developing additional treatments.

Infant at Stanford first to get drug for deadly neurodegenerative disease

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Treatment Breakthrough

August 16, 2016

March 6, 2016

FDA rejects new drugs for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, San Francisco Chronicle (SF Chronicle subscription required to read article)

January 7, 2015

March 19, 2013

February 13, 2013

Hunt for ALS cure may aid other diseases, San Francisco Chronicle

Neuromuscular Multidisciplinary Clinic responds to Ice Bucket Challenge
California Pacific Medical Center’s Forbes Norris MDA ALS Research Center challenged Stanford’s Neuromuscular Multidisciplinary Clinic to the Ice Bucket Challenge. Yesterday more than 30 people from the Neurosciences Department, the Rehabilitation Department, the construction team for the new Hoover Two building project, the Integrative Medicine team and the business development team joined the Neuromuscular Team to respond to the challenge. Neuromuscular Clinic Director, John W. Day, MD, PhD, said a few words about the need for ALS research funding and challenged several other teams to do the Ice Bucket Challenge. Stanford’s Neuromuscular Multidisciplinary clinic cares for ALS patients and their families and is involved in ALS research. For more information about ALS and the Ice Bucket Challenge visit

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