
A Leader in Sustainability

R&DE is proud to be a leader in sustainability. We are committed to excellence, which means continually implementing policies and practices that preserve our natural resources and reduce our overall impact on the environment. Through partnerships with students and academic departments, R&DE has made a significant positive impact on the awareness and habits of our students and customers.

R&DE Student Housing    |    R&DE Stanford Dining    |    R&DE Stanford Hospitality & Auxiliaries    |    R&DE Stanford Conferences

R&DE Student Housing

The Sustainable Living program collaborates with students, staff and academic departments to foster behavior change and to integrate long-term sustainable thinking into how we operate.

R&DE Stanford Dining

R&DE Stanford Dining is committed to providing healthy and delicious meals that nourish students while supporting a sustainable future and positively influencing lifelong eating behaviors. In collaboration with students, staff, and faculty, R&DE Stanford Dining works to reduce our food related environmental impact through innovative procurement strategies, food waste reduction, and promotion of more plant-forward food choices.

Our strategic objectives are:

  • Support a sustainable future through sustainable purchasing and menuing practices
  • Educate and empower the Stanford community to make sustainable food choices
  • Reduce our impact on the earth's resources through efficient and sustainable operations
  • Read more about Stanford Dining's Sustainability initiatives​


R&DE Hospitality & Auxiliaries

Stanford Hospitality & Auxiliaries is committed to reducing our environmental impact through strategic purchasing, waste reduction, efficient operations, and staff training.

Our strategic objectives are to:

  • Purchase sustainable ingredients
  • Reduce our impact on the environment by providing reusable dishware where possible and compostable products where reusables are not possible
  • Provide composting and recycling in all cafes and minimize food waste
  • Read more about Stanford Hospitality & Auxiliaries Sustainability initiatives


R&DE Stanford Conferences

Stanford Conferences integrates sustainable practices into all aspects of the event planning process through electronic communications instead of using paper, choosing local and/or organic catering and dining products when possible, reducing waste and increasing recycling, and recommending public transportation and carpooling to events to decrease our carbon footprint.

Our strategic objectives are to:

  • Minimize printing of materials by using electronic event advertising instead of paper communications
  • Provide reusable name badges and recycle badges
  • Recommend nearby accommodations with public transit access



Please contact our Sustainability Managers with any questions or comments:
Kristin Parineh, Sustainability Manager, Student Housing:
Jackie Bertoldo, Sustainable Food Program:

Read more about Stanford University's Sustainability initiatives.