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Stanford’s sexual harassment policies continue to apply during remote learning. Any harassment or discrimination that occurs within a program or activity of the university, including all online instruction, is subject to university policies. Stanford will also respond to concerns in which harassment or discrimination happens outside of university matters where that conduct is so severe as to cause significant harm within the university community or to a community member. We are continuing to take in reports and to investigate matters while the campus is operating remotely. We are using remote technology to investigate cases and hold hearings. We continue to work to hold cases to existing university timelines.


What is Title IX?

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
-Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

The Title IX Office collaborates with the Stanford community to stop, prevent, and remedy interpersonal violence and gender-based discrimination through education, culture change, accountability, and empowerment. We offer options and resources to all students affected by these issues and are committed to providing a fair, thorough, and prompt investigation and adjudication process.

Interim-Title IX Coordinator and Director of Equity Investigations at Stanford University

Cathy Glaze
(650) 497-4955