About SGD

The Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) provides comprehensive integrated biological information for the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae along with search and analysis tools to explore these data, enabling the discovery of functional relationships between sequence and gene products in fungi and higher organisms.

New & Noteworthy

  • Making the Best of a Sticky Situation


     Back in 1915, writer Elbert Hubbard coined the phrase, “When life gives you lemons make lemonade.” (His actual quote was “He picked up the lemons that Fate had sent him and started a lemonade-stand.”) The idea of course is to take something bad and make it into something good. Like, if your research gives you terribly weak glue, invent Post-It notes. Or as Hope and coworkers show in a new study in GENETICS, when your yeast experiment... Read...
  • Creating an Ethanol-Making ‘Super Bowl’ Championship Team


    There are a few ways to turn a failing sports team around. One is to tailor individual training to make each player better. Now, the team is better overall because of the changes each player makes. Another way to improve a team is to change a player in a key position who makes everyone better. A classic example of this is the American football team, the New England Patriots.   On September 23, 2001, Drew Bledsoe, then... Read...
  • Mass Production in Yeast


    After Henry Ford invented the moving assembly line, manufacturing was never the same. With it, his workers were able to push out a car every 2 ½ hours instead of the 12 it used to take. (Another website said it was reduced to 90 min!)  The technology quickly spread to every factory. Now of course, an assembly line is only as fast as its slowest worker. If someone is taking extra time to bolt down that... Read...
  • Meiotic Fail Safes


    If the movie WarGames is anything to go on, the US government does not make it easy to launch a nuclear missile. Two soldiers have to do many things simultaneously and in the right order before that missile can take flight. This makes perfect sense as you do not want to launch a nuclear attack unless you absolutely have to. The continued existence of the human race depends on these fail safes being in place and... Read...

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