
Why do the majority of M&A transactions fail to provide the expected benefits? How do you formulate and execute an M&A strategy that creates real value for your organization?

Stanford’s Mergers and Acquisitions program tackles the entire M&A process from beginning to end.

Program Feature

M&A Team Simulation Project

The M&A team simulation project has been designed around the unique needs of executive-level participants.

This Stanford GSB proprietary project spans the entire week of the program and provides hands-on experience with all aspects of an M&A deal, giving you the opportunity to implement the tools acquired throughout the week. At the end of the week, teams will present their decisions and outcomes to share their learning.

Program Highlights

Negotiation: Getting (More of) What You Want

The key to success of an M&A transaction is understanding the perspective and mindset of the person on the other side.
Ron Kasznik, Faculty Director

The process of negotiation requires that each participant understands both his own and his counterpart’s interests and preferences.

Many negotiators do not give sufficient consideration to identifying what they want. And many more negotiators do not have sufficient insight into the perspectives of their counterparts to put forward value-creating proposals.

This session will explore strategies to follow and pitfalls to avoid, enabling participants to get more of what they want out of negotiations by improving the quality of their planning and preparation processes.

M&A Tax Planning

Merging, acquiring, or being acquired are some of the most important means by which companies and entrepreneurs respond to changing economic and financial conditions.
Ron Kasznik, Faculty Director

The choice of a particular structure for an M&A deal can have major income-tax implications for both the buyer and the seller, which is why it’s imperative that even non-financial executives understand the fundamentals of successful M&A tax planning.

During two class sessions, you will gain familiarity with several basic tax structures for M&A deals, understand the circumstances under which particular structures are more favorable, and recognize how a carefully planned tax strategy can help maximize the potential value of a particular deal.

Post-Merger Integration

Before an M&A deal is done, the planning for the successful integration and management of the newly combined organizations should be well underway. Using research and business cases as references, you will analyze and discuss the structural, cultural, and social implications of combining organizations.

You will identify the core components of a post-merger integration model to capture and deliver the potential value of merger opportunities and learn practical tools for cultural integration.