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Healthwise Knowledgebase

Healthwise is a health information resource covering a wide-range of topics. Healthwise content is always evidence-based, free of commercial bias, and regularly reviewed and updated by medical experts.

Patient Education Reference Center (Multilingual)

Patient Education Reference Center (PERC) materials are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

Access is available to users on the Stanford campus. If you are off campus and would like materials in non-English languages, please send us an email:

EBSCO eBooks

You can access our EBSCO eBooks from any Internet-connected computer.  If you are on the Stanford campus, you will have direct access to EBSCO. If you are off campus, you will need to enter username 211hoover and password library2!

Need help with eBooks? Please contact us at

Gale Health and Wellness Resource Center

The Gale Health and Wellness Resource Center is a comprehensive resource with health information including articles, videos, statistical information, and alternative and complementary medicine.

If you are on the Stanford campus, you will have direct access to the database. If you are off campus, you will need to enter the password stanhosp.

Isabel Symptom Checker

Isabel will help you find possible conditions associated with your symptoms and help you decide where to find care.

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