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What is an Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program?

Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs are high-quality apprenticeship programs recognized as such by a Standards Recognition Entity (SRE) pursuant to the DOL’s standards. These programs provide individuals with opportunities to obtain workplace-relevant knowledge and progressively advancing skills. IRAPs include a paid-work component and an educational component and result in an industry-recognized credential. An IRAP is developed or delivered by entities such as trade and industry groups, corporations, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, unions, and joint labor-management organizations.

The Role of an Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program Sponsor

An IRAP Sponsor is the entity responsible for administering the IRAP, much like a Registered Apprenticeship Program sponsor. IRAP Sponsors are entities such as trade and industry groups, corporations, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, unions, and joint labor-management organizations.

To learn more about the role of an IRAP Sponsor, view our fact sheet.

IRAP Sponsors