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For Splash Students

For Splash Teachers and Volunteers

Help make Splash happen! Join the Splash Admin Team!

Foreign Languages
Environmental Sciences
Social Justice
Video Games
Stanford Life

For Spring 2021 Stanford Splash is teaming up with Rainstorm again! Please find more information here:

If you have any questions, please reach out at

Sign up to Teach for Rainstorm!

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Create an Account Now!

*Please note: creating an account does not register you for any event.

Register your class here!

Classes will be held via Zoom. Further details will be sent out for teachers.

Have a question? Need help developing your class?
Feel free to email us at

Have an idea for a class but think it would work better in a more free-form setting?
Teach a walk-in class!

About Teaching at Splash

Teaching at Splash is all about sharing your knowledge and excitement with eager students. The class topic can be anything you are passionate about (your major, your hobbies, etc.) and you have the freedom to design your own class.

As a Splash teacher, you can:

  • pick the topic you want to teach and design your own curriculum
  • co-teach with your friends and colleagues
  • select the duration and size of your class
  • determine the grade levels of your class (between 8th and 12th)
  • request to have class supplies funded

Who Can Teach at Splash

Current Stanford affiliates are eligible to teach. All first-time teachers are required to attend teacher training.

Here are some past course catalogs for inspiration. Our greatest classes come from teachers sharing their passions--anything from 18th century literature to ultimate frisbee. In addition, here are subject areas that students have requested classes in:

Hands-on Chemistry
Political Science
Sewing and Knitting
Marine Biology
Movie Making
Magic and Illusions
Poetry in Modern Songs
Materials Engineering
and more...

Once you've come up with a great idea and registered the class, we can help you get prepared to teach it! First-time teachers are required to attend a teacher orientation session, but returning teachers may feel free to come to improve their teaching ability.

Want to try something different? Lead a Walk-in Activity!

Walk-in activities are fun and generally educational activities that students can join at any time during the class period. Walk-in activities are not traditional classes as students do not register for these classes. However, walk-in activities are a great experience for students who sometimes deal with cancelled classes or holes in their class schedules.

Time Commitment

Teaching at Splash doesn't have to be a huge time commitment. In addition to your class, all we ask is a one-hour teacher training session for all first-time teachers. More information about training sessions can be found here. Returning teachers are more than welcome to attend teacher training as well if they choose to.

The Fine Print

We aim to create a safe place where kids can feel inspired and excited about learning. As such, you can't exactly teach anything at Splash. Here are some examples of classes we do not allow:

  • Classes that include activities that pose any sort of physical or mental danger to our students.
  • Classes that are illegal, or that explicitly promote illegal activities (e.g. How to Deal Drugs 101).
  • Classes that promote only a single viewpoint on a sensitive topic (e.g. a pro- or anti-abortion class).
  • Classes that exist to advertise an outside organization, service, or product.
  • Classes that gather data for outside research purposes of any kind.
  • Classes that promote religious proselytization or disrespect a person's religious beliefs.
  • Classes that discriminate against students of a certain gender, race, or religion. (See Stanford Nondiscrimination Policy)
  • In general, adults should be positive role models for minors and all members of the Stanford community are expected to follow the University’s Code of Conduct, Stanford Risk Management Guidelines, and the Haas Center’s Principles of Ethical and Effective Service.

Please know that the Splash team and Stanford University reserve the right to reject or cancel any class. In addition, Splash teachers must be Stanford affiliated and at least 18 years of age.


Check our FAQs or contact us.

Last modified by afrenkel on March 30, 2021 at 06:31 p.m.