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For Students & Postdocs

On this page, you will find information related to COVID-19 for all Stanford students and postdocs. Please follow links on this page for answers to frequently asked questions specific to undergrads, grad students and postdocs. Postdocs and grad students might also be interested in additional information for researchers and instructors/TAs.

Current status

As of October 27

  • Classes are mostly in-person for the fall quarter, with limited classes offered in-person. Teaching Commons and Teach Anywhere offer resources for instructors.
  • On-campus housing is offered this fall for students at all levels. Dining halls offer indoor dining at reduced capacity, with Clean Dining protocols, as well as to-go meals.
  • COVID-19 testing is being provided for the campus community. All students living on campus, living in university provided off-campus student housing, or coming to campus are required to test weekly, regardless of vaccination status, effective Aug. 15. Starting Sept. 20, COVID testing is required weekly for on-site postdoctoral scholars who are vaccinated, and twice weekly for students and postdocs who are not vaccinated. Dashboards provide aggregated results for the Stanford community. 
  • Stanford is following a phased recovery of university operations. We are currently in Stage 3 of the restart process. Learn more about Cardinal Recovery.
  • Health Check to self-report health status is required for employees and postdocs working in-person at a Stanford facility. Daily Health Check submissions are not required for faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars coming to campus who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 (documentation uploaded on Health Check) or fully vaccinated students on campus (documentation on the Vaden Health Portal) unless they become symptomatic, have a positive COVID test or are exposed to household members who have tested positive. Training on COVID hygiene is required before returning to work at a campus location for the first time.
  • Based on Santa Clara and San Mateo County orders and CDC guidance, face coverings are required indoors for all individuals regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status, at crowded outdoor events where physical distancing is difficult, and when using public transportation, carts and other university vehicles occupied by more than one person. Stanford also strongly recommends masking outdoors in crowded settings when 6 feet of distance from others cannot consistently be maintained.
  • Information on student gatherings is available. For the first three weeks of the fall quarter until Oct. 8, indoor student parties will be prohibited in order to help limit the potential for virus transmission as our community returns to campus.
  • Public events, performances and exhibitions are occurring in person at limited capacity. The temporary campus zones program ended on June 16. Visitors for academic, business, or research purposes are approved on a case-by-case basis by the dean or VP of a department or unit. New appointments of visitors, including visiting scholars, visiting postdocs, visiting student researchers and others, are restricted.
  • New postdoctoral scholars coming from outside Stanford, and current scholars returning from travel must follow relevant travel guidance that specifies how and when they may be approved for campus access. 
    • Vaccinated scholars arriving from domestic locations should register with Health Check and Color and begin surveillance testing.
    • Vaccinated scholars, including continuing scholars, arriving from international locations should register with Health Check and Color, and test on Day 0 and Day 5 before coming to campus for business purposes (note that they may come to pick up and drop off their tests). Unvaccinated scholars are not permitted unrestricted campus access until they submit a negative COVID test taken at least 5 days after arriving in California and are vaccinated or in compliance with the enhanced testing program for unvaccinated staff.
  • Exercise outdoors is encouraged, subject to physical distancing. See what recreational offerings are available for those approved to be on-site.

An overview of all current policies and status regarding COVID-19 is available here.

Relevant policy information

Frequently asked questions for…

Additional resources for students & postdocs

Attending class online

Financial resources

Staying connected and active

Timely information on other student services

Vaden Medical Services

Vaden asks all students seeking medical services to call 650-498-2336 and speak with a medical professional before heading to the clinic to keep patients and providers safe.

Dean of Students

Contact Dean of Students Mona Hicks at if you’re waiting for or have received COVID-19 test results. This is both to connect you to university resources that can support you, and to help the university assess the impacts of the virus in our community.

Resident Directors

Our RDs are available to help undergraduates with personal concerns. For immediate assistance, contact the RD on call at 650-504-8022

Graduate Life Office (GLO) Deans

GLO is available to help grad students with personal concerns. For immediate assistance:

  • Text the GLO pager at Include your name and reason for paging in the message.
  • Call the GLO pager at 650-723-7288. You will reach a Stanford operator. Provide pager ID #25085 and indicate that you need to reach the graduate dean-on-call.

Academic Advising

Undergraduate students can contact their Academic Advising Director, AARC Advisor, or Specialist Advisor. Graduate students should keep in touch with your advisor and/or department.

Office of Accessible Education

OAE Connect is a new online platform for students requesting educational and other accommodations.

Schwab Learning Center

SLC’s learning specialists and tutors are available on Zoom.

Student Services Center

The SSC helps students with Registrar’s Office, Student Financial Services and Graduate Admissions questions and issues. For the quickest response, submit a ServiceNow ticket.

Bechtel International Center

International students and scholars are encouraged to consult with Bechtel about travel concerns, remote coursework, leaves of absence, optional practical training and more.

Residential & Dining Enterprises

R&DE has updated its website with current information on campus housing and dining.

BEAM Career Education

BEAM has compiled a spring 2020 FAQ to help students keep their future in focus wherever they are this spring and summer.

The Office for Religious Life

The Office for Religious Life is offering virtual gatherings, podcasts, videos and daily reflections.