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Student Affairs is led by the Vice Provost for Student Affairs. There are six main units in Student Affairs:

  1. BEAM, Stanford Career Education
  2. Community Engagement and Diversity
  3. Dean of Students
  4. Office of Residential Education
  5. Student and Academic Services, and University Registrar
  6. Vaden Health Center

The division encompasses a broad range of programs and services for undergraduates and graduate students, which are administered by the following offices and centers:

  • Asian American Activities Center
  • BEAM, Stanford Career Education
  • Bechtel International Center
  • Black Community Services Center
  • Dean of Students
  • Diversity and First-Gen Office
  • El Centro Chicano y Latino
  • Graduate Life Office
  • Haas Center for Public Service
  • LGBT Community Resources Center
  • The Markaz: Resource Center
  • Native American Cultural Center
  • Office for Military-Affiliated Communities
  • Office of Accessible Education
  • Office of Alcohol Policy and Education
  • Office of Community Standards
  • Office of Residential Education
  • Office of Student Activities and Leadership
  • Student Services Center
  • Student Financial Services
  • University Registrar
  • Vaden Health Center
  • Women's Community Center

The Vice Provost for Student Affairs reports directly to the Provost and is responsible for providing leadership, policy direction, and administrative support for budget, personnel, facilities, and development, as well as oversight of the efficiency and effectiveness of each of the division's units. The Vice Provost interacts with the President, the Provost, the Vice Provosts, faculty, schools, department representatives, students, and parents. The Vice Provost is a member of the Stanford University Cabinet, and ex officio member of the Stanford Alumni Association Board of Directors, Stanford Athletic Board, and Haas Center for Public Service National Advisory Board. The Vice Provost also attends the Senate meetings of the Academic Council.

Bechtel International Center

Office: 584 Capistrano Way
Web Site:

The Bechtel International Center (I-Center) is a meeting place for students and senior research scholars at Stanford from throughout the world and for internationally oriented U.S. students, faculty, and short-term visitors on the campus. Through a variety of social, cultural, and educational programs, I-Center facilities are used to acquaint students and scholars with the life of the university and the community, and to bring them together in activities of mutual interest.

The Center believes that international educational exchange nurtures a lifelong global perspective, and plays a key role in supporting Stanford's standing as a truly international university in the following ways:

  • Provides information about and assistance with obtaining and maintaining legal status in the U.S. to foreign students, scholars, and Stanford departments.
  • Advises U.S. students who are pursuing scholarships for study and research abroad.
  • Enables foreign students, scholars, and their family members at Stanford to receive maximum academic, cultural, and personal benefit from their stays in the U.S.
  • Contributes to international activities at Stanford by helping to create a welcoming and supportive environment that is responsive to the needs of the international community.
  • Facilitates professional meetings between visiting international delegations and their Stanford counterparts.
  • Provides opportunities for Stanford students, faculty, staff, and members of the local community to broaden their horizons by interacting with people from different cultures through programs to increase international awareness and understanding.

BEAM, Stanford Career Education

Offices: 563 Salvatierra Walk
Web Site:

BEAM (Bridging Education, Ambition and Meaningful Work), Stanford Career Education empowers students to cultivate personalized networks that shape their professional journey through customized support for students based on their interests, academic majors and degrees. BEAM offers many opportunities to engage with employers and alumni via events, mentorships, experiential learning, and much more. Tools and digital resources are also made available through meetups, labs, or individual appointments to help students transform their ambitions into meaningful work.

Support is available to undergraduate and graduate students, and all students are encouraged to login to Handshake, our online platform that connects students and employers, to stay up to date on events and opportunities. Events and appointments are free to students and limited services are available to first-year alumni and student spouses/domestic partners.

The following suggestions may assist students in getting the most out of their journey toward meaningful work:

  • Begin building your personalized network early in your Stanford career.
  • Register with Handshake to access career events, internships, part-time and full-time jobs, and interview opportunities.
  • Discover yourself and gain clarity of your interests and skills through meetups, assessments, and taking advantage of individual career coaching appointments that can be made via Handshake.
  • Make exploration a priority by connecting with alumni mentors, planning informational interviews, signing up for a career trek, and meet with an industry consultant.
  • Make a plan to pursue opportunities by attending labs, familiarizing yourself with resources, and utilize your connections.

Visit Career Communities for career coaching in academic departments and student communities:
Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. to noon, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; (650) 725-1789

Visit Career Ventures for customized industry connections and employer engagement opportunities:
Monday–Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; (650) 723-9014

Community Centers

There are seven ethnic and community centers that support students who seek services associated with a particular group or community. Each center has its own site and professional staff who advise and counsel students. In addition, the centers sponsor programs throughout the year that foster intellectual, personal, and cultural growth. Detailed information is available on the following web sites:

The programs offered through the centers are open to all Stanford students.

Dean of Students

Dean of Student Life: Chris Griffith
Office: Old Union
Phone: (650) 723-2733
Web Site:

The Dean of Students has responsibility for overseeing the Graduate Life Office, Office of Community Standards, and the Office of Alcohol Policy and Education, as well as responsibility for the Acts of Intolerance Protocol. The  Dean reports to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs and is a member of his executive committee.

Diversity and First-Gen Office

Office: Old Union, 520 Lasuen Mall, Suite 206
Phone: (650) 723-2733
Web Site:

Established in 2010 to serve first-generation and low-income students and help them be successful, the Diversity and First-Gen Office provides:

  • a Thrive Guide to publicize the abundance of support available
  • contact information for student groups, staff, faculty, and alumni for networking and mentoring
  • signature programs and special events to build community
  • administrative support and advocacy for diversity programs, especially those highlighting socioeconomic issue

Graduate Life Office (GLO)

Graduate Life Office: Escondido Village Office, 859 Comstock Circle
Graduate Life Office, Graduate Community Center: 750 Escondido Road
Phone: (650) 736-7078
Web Site:

The Graduate Life Office (GLO) works with students on and off campus and with student groups, including Community Associates (student residence staff), the Graduate Student Programming Board, and the Graduate Student Council, to create an inclusive environment through programs in the residences and campus-wide. The Graduate Community Center (GCC) serves as a focal point for meetings and activities in the graduate community.

The GLO staff also works with individual students who need information and support or who may be experiencing personal difficulties. Staff members are knowledgeable about and have access to support and resources available throughout the university. Staff work closely with student services administrators in academic departments to provide consultation and services to students in need.

Graduate Student Residence Program

The university's philosophy of graduate student housing is based on the premise that supporting high quality graduate scholarship and research is central to the mission of the university. By providing affordable housing in proximity to academic resources, the university creates an environment conducive to research and intellectual dialogue among students, their peers, and faculty members. The Community Associate (CA) program in the residences serves as a supportive resource for residents and to connect student neighbors through social events and activities to build a sense of community in the residences.

Haas Center for Public Service

Center Office: 562 Salvatierra Walk
Mail Code: 8620
Phone: (650) 723-0992
Web Site:

  • The Haas Center for Public Service engages Stanford students in local and global public service across diverse pathways: direct service, community engaged learning and research, activism, philanthropy, public policy, and social entrepreneurship. The Haas Center offers:
  • Walk-in advising on public service opportunities and careers.
  • Community engaged learning and research across disciplines.
  • Supported full-time, quarter-long service opportunities in the U.S. and abroad.
  • Tutoring and mentoring programs rooted in enduring partnerships and cutting-edge education research.
  • Leadership training, service trips, and support for more than 125 service-related student organizations.

The Haas Center is the hub for Cardinal Service, a university-wide initiative to elevate service at Stanford in four areas:

  • Cardinal Quarter: Students can select from more than 350 supported opportunities to participate full-time in service for a quarter or more. In the next five years, this will grow to 500 local, national and global opportunities.
  • Cardinal Courses: Students can participate in more than 70 courses across 25 academic disciplines that integrate a community experience, examine a public issue, and explore civic identities.
  • Cardinal Commitments: Students participate in and sustain a significant service experience to explore particular social issues or concerns.
  • Cardinal Careers: Students explore multiple public service career options and learn about ways to integrate service into any career.

Office for Military-Affiliated Communities (OMAC)

Office: Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd floor
Phone: (650) 721-1563
Web Site:

The Office for Military-Affiliated Communities (OMAC) focuses on the administration and management of VA financial benefits, coordinates and supports educational opportunities for military-affiliated communities, and conducts outreach to faculty regarding engagement and support for faculty grants or other funding specifically identified for military and veteran communities.

Office of Accessible Education (OAE)

Offices: 563 Salvatierra Walk
Phone: (650) 723-1066; TDD (650) 723-1067
Web Site:

The Office of Accessible Education (OAE) is the campus office designated to work with students, faculty, and staff to put in place appropriate accommodations for all Stanford students with disabilities, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels (including the professional schools). The OAE provides a wide array of support services, accommodations, and programs to remove barriers to full participation in the life of the university.

In reaching its determinations about appropriate accommodations, the OAE considers factors such as the documentation from professionals specializing in the area of the student's diagnosed disability, the student's functional limitations, and the student's input and accommodation history in regard to particular needs and limitations. The OAE then works with the student and relevant faculty and staff through an interactive process designed to achieve an accommodation that meets the needs of all parties.

Office of Alcohol Policy and Education (OAPE)

Offices: Rogers House, 581 Capistrano Way
Phone: (650) 723-5947
Web Site:
The Office of Alcohol Policy and Education (OAPE) empowers students to make healthy decisions about drinking behaviors that not only affect them as individuals, but ultimately impact the campus community as a whole. OAPE is focused on reducing the harm of high-risk behaviors while increasing safe, legal, responsible actions. Services offered include individual consultation, educational workshops and seminars, and academic coursework. OAPE also sponsors Cardinal Nights, a program of weekly events that allow students to socialize in an environment free of alcohol.

Office of Community Standards

Office: Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd floor
Mailing Address: 459 Lagunita Drive, Suite 9
Mail Code: 94305-3010
Phone: (650) 725-2485
Fax: (650) 736-0247
Web Site:

The primary codes of conduct for students are the Fundamental Standard and Honor Code. Cases of alleged violations of the university's Honor Code, Fundamental Standard, and other student conduct or University policies proceed through an established student conduct process outlined in the Student Judicial Charter of 1997, which can be found in its entirety at the Office of Community Standards web site. The web site also contains the policies, rules, and interpretations, as well as the university's Student Conduct Penalty Code, applicable to those students found responsible for violating the Honor Code, the Fundamental Standard, or other university policy or rule.

Allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, stalking, or dating violence proceed through the Dean's Alternate Misconduct Review Process .

When a violation of the Fundamental Standard, Honor Code, or other university policy or rule governing student conduct is alleged, or whenever a member of the university community believes such a violation has occurred, he or she should contact the Office of Community Standards.

Fundamental Standard

Students at Stanford are expected to know, understand, and abide by the Fundamental Standard, which is the university's basic statement on behavioral expectations articulated in 1896 by Stanford's first President, David Starr Jordan, as follows:

"Students are expected to show both within and without the University such respect for order, morality, personal honor, and the rights of others as is demanded of good citizens. Failure to do this will be sufficient cause for removal from the University."

The Fundamental Standard is an aspirational statement of Stanford's ideal of civic and moral community. Although the spirit of the Fundamental Standard remains unchanged since 1896, these aspirational learning goals for all Stanford students elaborate its basic values today:

    i. Students are expected to respect and uphold the rights and dignity of others regardless of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socioeconomic status.

    ii. Students are expected to uphold the integrity of the university as a community of scholars in which free speech is available to all and intellectual honesty is demanded of all.

    iii. Students are expected to respect university policies as well as state and federal law.

    iv. For the purposes of clarity, students should be aware that they may be subject to discipline at Stanford University for acts of misconduct including:

  • Violation of university policy
  • Violation of a specific university directive
  • Violation of an applicable law
  • Physical assault
  • Sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking
  • Theft of property or services
  • Threats
  • Hazing
  • Hate crimes
  • Alcohol- and drug-related violations, including driving under the influence
  • Intentional or reckless property damage
  • Seeking a university benefit to which a student is not entitled
  • Falsifying a document
  • Impersonating another
  • Computer violations
  • Knowingly or recklessly exposing others to significant danger

There is no standard penalty that applies to violations of the Fundamental Standard. Infractions have led to penalties ranging from formal warning and community service to expulsion. In each case,  the nature and seriousness of the offense, the motivation underlying the offense, and precedent in similar cases are considered.

Honor Code

The Honor Code is the University's statement on academic integrity. It is essentially the application of the Fundamental Standard to academic matters. Provisions of the Honor Code date from 1921, when the honor system was established by the Academic Council of the University Faculty at the request of the student body and with the approval of the President. The Honor Code reads:

"1. The Honor Code is an undertaking of the students, individually and collectively:

a. that they will not give or receive aid in examinations; that they will not give or receive unpermitted aid in class work, in the preparation of reports, or in any other work that is to be used by the instructor as the basis of grading;

b. that they will do their share and take an active part in seeing to it that others as well as themselves uphold the spirit and letter of the Honor Code.

2. The faculty on its part manifests its confidence in the honor of its students by refraining from proctoring examinations and from taking unusual and unreasonable precautions to prevent the forms of dishonesty mentioned above. The faculty will also avoid, as far as practicable, academic procedures that create temptations to violate the Honor Code.

3. While the faculty alone has the right and obligation to set academic requirements, the students and faculty will work together to establish optimal conditions for honorable academic work."

Examples of conduct that has been found to be in violation of the Honor Code include:

  • Copying from another's examination paper or allowing another to copy from one's own paper
  • Unpermitted collaboration
  • Plagiarism
  • Revising and resubmitting a quiz or exam for regrading without the instructor's knowledge and consent
  • Representing as one's own work the work of another
  • Giving or receiving aid on an academic assignment under circumstances in which a reasonable person should have known that such aid was not permitted

For more information, see the Student Conduct Process pages at the Community Standards web site. The standard sanction for a first violation is a one quarter suspension from the University and 40 hours of community service. In addition, many faculty members issue a 'No Pass' for the course in which the violation occurred. Information for teachers is available on the Teaching Commons web site .

Office of Residential Education

Office: Tresidder Memorial Union
Phone: (650) 725-2800
Web Site:

The Office of Residential Education is responsible for developing the policies, programs, and staffing which support the intellectual, educational, and community-building activities in student residences. The conviction behind the Stanford residence program is that formal teaching, informal learning, and personal support in residences play an important role in a Stanford education.

Residential Education Program

The Residential Education program provides Stanford undergraduates with a small community experience within a large research university. Residential Education programs extend the classroom into the residences and complement the academic curriculum with activities and experiences that contribute to students' preparation for a life of leadership, intellectual engagement, citizenship, and service. An extensive network of staff, including many who live in the residence halls, supports students during their undergraduate careers.

Residence Deans

Residence Deans provide assistance to on- and off-campus undergraduate students. They can advise students about personal matters, occasionally intervene directly in behavioral problems or mental health concerns, and assist with personal emergencies. Advice is also available on issues of academic probation or suspension, leaves of absence, special concerns of students, and administrative matters. Residence Deans work closely with the Dean of Student Life and other University offices. They are assigned to specific residences and to off-campus students. For further information, undergraduates should call Residential Education at (650) 725-2800. For assistance, graduate students can consult assistant deans in the Graduate Life Office at (650) 736-7078.

Office of Student Activities and Leadership (SAL)

Office: Old Union, 520 Lasuen Mall, Suite 206
Web Site:

The Office of Student Activities and Leadership (SAL), located in Old Union, supports student activities, over 600 student organizations and the ASSU through publications, workshops, one-on-one consultation, advising and major event planning support.

Voluntary Student Organizations

There are over 600 different Voluntary Student Organizations (VSOs) at Stanford. VSOs are organizations

  1. in which membership is not mandatory and is nondiscriminatory,
  2. in which membership is both open and limited to current Stanford students registered in a degree-granting program,
  3. in which students make all organizational decisions, and
  4. whose purposes and procedures are consistent with the goals and standards of the University. In order to use University facilities, the Stanford name, or to receive ASSU funding, all voluntary student organizations must register with the University through the Office of Student Activities, Old Union, room 206.

As a condition of registration, each voluntary student organization must file and have approved each of the following:

  1. A statement of purpose and organizational constitution.
  2. A statement about membership eligibility.
  3. Clear procedures for officer elections.
  4. Identification of the authorized representatives of the group, who must be a currently registered student, and at least five active members in the organization who are currently registered students.

Each voluntary student organization must renew its registration with the University annually, early in Autumn Quarter, by submitting new registration materials.

If a voluntary student organization that is registered with the University seeks to use University facilities for meetings open to more than its own members and to specifically invited guests, such meetings shall be subject to the policies of the Committee on Public Events. All organization events held in University facilities must receive event approval from the Student Activities and Leadership and Stanford Events.

A voluntary student religious organization may hold open meetings in University facilities only with the approval of the Office of the Dean for Religious Life (as the delegatee of Student Activities and Leadership).

A registered voluntary student organization may advocate publicly a position on a public issue, provided the organization clearly identifies itself, and provided such an organization in any public statement makes clear it does not represent or speak for the University or the Associated Students.

No student group or individual student(s) may use University space or facilities or receive other University support for purposes of supporting candidates for public office. Groups may use White Plaza for tables, speeches, and similar activities and may request to reserve auditoriums and similar space for public events including speeches by political candidates as long as all University guidelines are followed.

Student Financial Services

Office: Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd floor
Phone: (866) 993-7772 (toll-free)
Web Site:

Student Financial Services is responsible for managing billing, payment, and collections of student accounts receivable; and managing student loan receivables and collections. Student Financial Services also manages the refunding of aid to students in collaboration with the financial aid offices and in compliance with Title IV regulations. Furthermore, Student Financial Services provides resources and guidance to University departments to ensure accurate receipting and depositing of monies.

Student Services Center

Office: Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd floor
Contact via HelpSU:
Phone: (650) 723-7772 or (866) 993-7772 (toll-free)
Web Site:

The Student Services Center (SSC) is committed to providing a single point of friendly, professional service for answers to questions concerning administrative and financial issues. The center strives to resolve 90 percent of students' issues upon first contact. The SSC represents Student Financial Services, the Office of the University Registrar, the University Cashier's Office, the Financial Aid Office, and Stanford ID Card Services, and is able to assist students with questions including those related to University billing, financial aid disbursements, refunds, payroll deductions, payment plan, enrollment, Stanford degree policies and procedures, Stanford ID card, and forms pickup and submission.

Vaden Health Center

Center Office: 866 Campus Drive
Web Site:

The Allene G. Vaden Health Center strictly protects the confidentiality of information obtained in medical care and counseling.

Medical Services

Medical Services (650-498-2336, ext. 1) is the first stop for diagnosis and treatment of illness, injury, and ongoing conditions, as well as preventive counseling and education. Services available without additional charge for students who have paid the Campus Health Service fee include:

  • Medical appointments in general medicine and sports medicine.
  • Medical advice for routine concerns throughout the day. When Medical Services is closed, advice for urgent conditions is available from the on-call physician.
  • Referral to specialists, primarily at Stanford Hospital and Clinics and Menlo Medical Clinic.

Additional services (fees apply):

  • Allergy injections, immunizations, travel services, physical exams for employment and scholarships, HIV testing, laboratory, X-rays, drug screening (academic year only).
  • Pharmacy (650-498-2336, ext. 3) and physical therapy (650-723-3195) are available on site.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

CAPS (650-723-3785) helps students who experience a wide variety of personal, academic, and relationship concerns. Services available without additional charge for students who have paid the Campus Health Service Fee include:

  • Evaluation and brief counseling, including personal, couples and group therapy. Students requesting or requiring longer, ongoing therapy incur fees.
  • Workshops and groups that focus on students' social, personal and academic effectiveness.
  • Crisis counseling for urgent situations 24 hours a day.
  • Consultation and outreach to faculty, staff, and student organizations.

Confidential Support Team (CST)

Office: Mariposa House, 585 Capistrano Way, 2nd Floor, Rooms 208 and 209
Phone: 650-736-6933
Web Site:

The Confidential Support Team (CST) offers emotional support, consultation, and short-term individual counseling to Stanford students impacted by sexual assault and relationship/domestic violence as well as intimate partner abuse, stalking, and sexual harassment. CST is staffed by clinical psychologists and a clinical social worker. At CST, students can receive information and guidance about their rights and reporting options. Confidentiality is strictly maintained. There is no charge for Stanford students.

Additional Services

  • Consultation to faculty, staff and student organizations
  • Assistance connecting to other on- and off-campus support resources

Hours of Service

  • To access CST services, call the hotline at 650-725-9955 or stop by the main office at Rogers House on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from noon-5 pm and Wednesday from 10 am-3:30 pm. Counseling sessions are held at Stanford University Medical Center.
  • At all other times, call the hotline at 650-725-9955, which is directed to a CAPS on-call clinician.
  • To contact the CST Office when not seeking to access confidential support services, call the general business line at 650-736-6933.

Health Promotion Services

Health Promotion Services (650-723-0821) educates and supports students to help them make informed, healthy decisions about their lifestyle. Services include:

  • Individual preventive counseling and resource referral concerning nutrition, weight management, eating and body image, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, sexual assault and harassment, relationships, intimacy and gender issues, and sexual health.
  • Health education speakers, programs, and events and workshops at student residences, community centers, student organizations, and for new students (such as Real World: Stanford).
  • Academic courses and internships.
  • Student groups and volunteer opportunities including Peer Health Educators, HIV Peer Anonymous Counseling and Testing (HIV*PACT), Sexual Health Peer Resource Center (SHPRC), and CPR/First Aid classes.

Health Insurance

All registered students are required to have health insurance. Call (650) 723-2135 for more information. Cardinal Care , the University-sponsored plan for students, fulfills this requirement. Insured by Aetna Student Health (medical), and ValueOptions (mental health), Cardinal Care features comprehensive, worldwide coverage, services by referral at Stanford University Medical Center and Menlo Medical Clinic, and lowest costs when one initiates care at Vaden Health Center. Stanford does not sponsor a health insurance plan for dependents; for available options, see the Dependent Health Insurance web site. Options for voluntary dental insurance are also offered.

Under certain circumstances, students with their own health insurance may waive Cardinal Care coverage. Domestic students who choose not to participate in Cardinal Care only have to waive once each academic year and must waive coverage before the first quarter in which they are enrolled for that academic year. At that time, and that time only, they will be able to waive Cardinal Care for the rest of the year by documenting equivalent health insurance in Axess by the applicable deadline listed on Vaden's web site . International students must have coverage that meets or exceeds minimum standards established by the University in order to opt out of Cardinal Care; for more information see Vaden's web site .

Vice Provost for Student Affairs: Greg Boardman

Associate Vice Provost and University Registrar, Student and Academic Services: Thomas C. Black

Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Career Education: Farouk Dey

Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Community Engagement and Diversity: Nicole Taylor

Associate Vice Provost and Director of Vaden Health Center: Jim Jacobs

Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students: Chris Griffith

Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Residential Education: Deborah Golder

Associate Vice Provost for Administration: Margaret Dyer-Chamberlain