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Short-Term Faculty-Led Programs

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Each year, BOSP invites Stanford Academic Council faculty to apply to lead a Short-term Faculty-led Program during Summer Quarter of the following academic year. These programs are taught by Stanford faculty in locations around the world that have direct relevance to the course topic.

Application Process

Applications for Summer Quarter 2022-23 will be launched in December 2021 and due mid-February, 2022. Selected faculty will be notified in Spring Quarter 2021-22. Please visit the Apply to be a Faculty Leader webpage for complete details about the application process and a link to the application form.

Faculty Open House

BOSP will be holding two virtual Open Houses for interested faculty to learn more about BOSP's Faculty-in-Residence and Short-Term Faculty-Led Program opportunities. Faculty are invited to drop in any time during the Open House periods to ask questions and connect with BOSP staff.

Nature of Short-Term Faculty-Led Programs

The objective of BOSP's Short-Term Faculty-Led Programs is to provide students with an intensive 3-week in-depth academic experience with a particular Stanford faculty member. Course content should be academically rigorous and unique, but at the same time general enough to be accessible to a wide range of undergraduates. The capacity of each program is typically 15 students.

Why Should I Apply?

Faculty Leaders serve as mentors and role models for students in their exploration of a new environment and participate in what many students regard as a highlight of their Stanford years. Many Stanford faculty members find these programs to be a rewarding and memorable experience, which offer the following benefits:

  • Teaching small classes and connecting with students
  • Participating in field-based and community-based study and research
  • Working with students across different academic disciplines and class years
  • Making connections with colleagues, libraries, and research projects in the host country

Who Can Apply?

Short-term Faculty-led Program proposals are accepted from any current Stanford faculty member who belongs to the Academic Council. Non-tenure track Stanford faculty may be considered occasionally, as may emeriti. Please inquire about your specific circumstances.

Application Process

Each year, in late Autumn Quarter, BOSP invites Stanford faculty on Academic Council to apply to lead a Short-Term Faculty-led Program during Summer Quarter of the following academic year. BOSP will notify faculty of the status of their proposal in Spring Quarter. BOSP will then work with selected Faculty Leaders to expand upon proposals and create additional materials including a day-to-day program schedule. A full Administrative Timeline will be shared with selected Faculty Leaders in the Spring Quarter.

Faculty Leader Payment

Faculty Leaders will receive $8,500 supplemental pay for leading a program. If a program is co-led by more than one faculty member, this amount is split as determined by the participating faculty. BOSP and VPUE HR will work with the Faculty Affairs Office and faculty home department to ensure the supplemental pay is processed. Roundtrip airfare (lowest non-refundable upgradeable economy class) to and from the program location within a day of the program dates, accommodation for the duration of the program, and meal expenses are reimbursed to faculty following the BOSP's guidelines and standard Stanford business travel procedures. 

Faculty Leader Role and Responsibilities

The responsibilities of Faculty Leader are more comprehensive than the standard duties of a faculty member teaching a course on the Stanford campus. To ease the logistical burden of the Faculty Leader, BOSP will identify a dedicated third-party program provider to coordinate the planning and implementation of the program. Third-party providers may be study abroad program providers, travel consulting organizations, or other third-party vendors specializing in study abroad programming for U.S. colleges and universities. BOSP will solicit bids based on the proposal submitted. Depending on a Faculty Leader’s needs, these providers may help craft the program itinerary, arrange housing, meeting space, local transportation, on-site orientation, site visits, guest lectures, and serve as on-site contact for non-academic student issues, including emergencies.

Please refer to the Faculty Leader Role and Responsibilities webpage for further information.