NPR2 min. leídos
FIFA Fires Criminal Complaint At Viagogo Over World Cup, Threatening To Void Tickets
FIFA says its website is the "only official and legitimate" way to get the tickets. But the World Cup final is a hot ticket on ticket reseller Viagogo's site, costing up to nearly $14,100.
NPR2 min. leídos
More Than 100 Migrants Feared Dead In Capsizing Off Tunisia
If the death toll is confirmed, it would reportedly be this year's deadliest shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea.
NPR5 min. leídosSociety
Doctors Scrutinize Overtreatment, As Cancer Death Rates Decline
Are some people getting too much treatment for their cancers? The answer, from the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in Chicago, is an emphatic yes.
NPR2 min. leídosSociety
Harvey Weinstein Pleads Not Guilty To Rape Charges
The former movie producer made his first court appearance Tuesday since his arrest late last month.
NPR3 min. leídosSociety
Mueller's Team Accuses Manafort Of Witness Tampering
Prosecutors say the former Trump campaign manager and an unnamed associate repeatedly tried to contact two potential witnesses. If a judge agrees, Manafort could land in jail as he awaits trial.
NPR2 min. leídosPolitics
David Koch, Billionaire Political Donor, Announces Retirement
One of the founders of Koch Industries and its ubiquitous political network said he is leaving public life amid health concerns.
NPR3 min. leídos
The Education Of Bobby Kennedy — On Race
"Robert Kennedy was in search of love and found it in black America, and it was reciprocated," says historian David Margolick, reflecting on RFK's legacy 50 years after his death.
NPR5 min. leídosSociety
Voters Are Deciding Whether To Recall Aaron Persky, Judge Who Sentenced Brock Turner
Turner was convicted of sexual assault in 2016 and ultimately served three months in county jail. Outraged opponents say he is unfit to serve out the remaining four years of his term.
NPR5 min. leídosPolitics
Midterm Messages: Women Are Owning 2018, But So Is Trump
The dominant storylines from the 2018 primaries so far have been that women have dominated and the president has had his own relative success — and a big impact on GOP congressional candidates.
NPR5 min. leídosPolitics
Trump Picks Fight With The Eagles, Philadelphia Takes It From There
The White House says "only a tiny handful" of Eagles players agreed to come to D.C., causing Trump to cancel their visit. The fallout includes many accusations — and an apology from Fox News.
NPR8 min. leídosPolitics
Transcript: Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader, On Trump-Kim Summit
Schumer, D-N.Y., and other top Democrats sent a letter to President Trump yesterday, laying out tough demands ahead of Trump's summit with North Korea. He talks about them with NPR's Rachel Martin.
NPR4 min. leídosPolitics
Ireland Voted To Allow Abortion. But It's Still Strictly Banned In Northern Ireland
The recent abortion referendum in Ireland is setting off calls for change in neighboring Northern Ireland, which still has strict laws on the procedure that date to Victorian times.
NPR19 min. leídosTech
Transcript: Apple CEO Tim Cook On Screen Time Controls, Working With China
Cook, who has led Apple since 2011, spoke with NPR's Steve Inskeep in a wide-ranging interview on Monday as the company kicked off its annual Worldwide Developers Conference.
NPR4 min. leídos
What Grief Looks Like: Documenting The Mementos Left After School Shootings
Since 2013, Andres Gonzalez has traveled to Newtown, Parkland, Columbine and other sites of mass shootings to photograph the ephemera — letters, teddy bears, origami cranes — left in memorial.
NPR6 min. leídosPolitics
What You Need To Know About The Coming Showdown Between Trump And Mueller
Following months on a collision course, the White House and the special counsel's office are on track for a standoff that could take Washington, D.C., into terra incognita.
NPR9 min. leídos
In Novel About 18th-Century Wall Street, Financial Journalist Turns From Fact To Fiction
The hero in "The Devil's Half Mile" is investigating the death of his father, who may have been involved in some shady deals.
NPR2 min. leídosPolitics
White House Appeals Ruling That President Can't Block Twitter Followers
President Trump had blocked critics from his @realDonaldTrump account. But a ruling in May said that his account is "a public forum" and that his followers enjoy First Amendment guarantees.
NPR2 min. leídosTech
The 'All Tech Considered' Blog Logs Off
After nine years and 2,630 posts, the All Tech Considered blog is being retired. Don't worry, though. You'll still find the All Tech segment and other tech-related stories on NPR's Technology page.
NPR3 min. leídosPolitics
Court Sees 'Hostility' To Religious Beliefs In Case of Baker And Same-Sex Couple
By upholding the right of a baker not to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, the Supreme Court rekindled the debate over whether religious freedom claims can trump protections against discrimination.
NPR4 min. leídosPolitics
It's The Biggest Primary Day Of the 2018 Midterms: Here's What To Watch For
Voters head to the polls in eight states today to pick nominees for Senate, governor and several key congressional races that could decide control of the House of Representatives this fall.
NPR3 min. leídos
An Epic Conversation Draws To A Close In 'Kudos'
Rachel Cusk's trilogy about a peripatetic writer and her many conversational partners winds up with Kudos. The books are essentially plotless — but there's plenty of joy to be found just in talk.
NPR2 min. leídosSociety
Former U.S. Intelligence Officer Charged With Selling Secrets To China
Ron Rockwell Hansen, a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer, was seized by federal agents en route to the Seattle airport, where prosecutors say he meant to board a China-bound flight.
NPR10 min. leídosSociety
The Brilliant Producer And Chameleon Fatima Al Qadiri Won't Stunt For Your Sake
The Kuwait-born, Berlin-based electronic musician and composer's work is high-concept but accessible. She explains the creation of her latest alter-ego Shaneera, a fake Arab pop star.
NPR4 min. leídos
Parents, Schools Step Up Efforts To Combat Food-Allergy Bullying
Up to 32 percent of kids with food allergies have been taunted with foods that make them sick. Schools are moving beyond allergy awareness and "nut-free zones" to address this dangerous behavior.
NPR3 min. leídosScience
Therapy Made From Patient's Immune System Shows Promise For Advanced Breast Cancer
An experimental therapy seems to have eradicated cancer in a patient with metastatic breast cancer who had failed every other treatment. The goal is to reliably repeat that success in more people.
NPR2 min. leídosPolitics
Schumer Says Trump Not Acting Like an Innocent Man, 'Dead Wrong' on Pardoning Himself
Schumer took issue both with the president's legal team arguing he has the authority to self-pardon and Trump calling special counsel Robert Mueller's probe "unconstitutional."
NPR4 min. leídos
Facebook Defends Giving Device Makers Access To Users' Data For Years
The company says it shared the data only to help Apple, Samsung and other device makers "recreate Facebook-like experiences." It denies a New York Times report that "deep access" was granted.
NPR3 min. leídosTech
Apple Requested 'Zero' Personal Data In Deals With Facebook, CEO Tim Cook Says
"We've never been in the data business," Cook tells NPR. He was responding to a report that Facebook struck deals giving Apple and other device makers access to Facebook users' personal information.
NPR2 min. leídosPolitics
Giuliani: President Trump Has Constitutional Authority To Pardon Himself
Appearing on ABC, the president's attorney said that while legal, the president has "no intention" to do so. On NBC, Giuliani said such a move would be "unthinkable" and probably lead to impeachment.
NPR4 min. leídos
The Lies We Tell About Foreign Aid
In his new book, Pablo Yanguas argues that fudged numbers, shallow aid projects and politics have created a dysfunctional aid system.
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