Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take some days off during the STaRS Internship Program?

At the outset of the application process, we ask individuals to commit to being present for the entire, contiguous 7-week period of the internship. If an individual is unable to make this commitment, we ask them to consider applying at another time. 

What are the dates of the internship?

In 2021, the start date is scheduled for Monday June 21st and the end date is scheduled for Friday August 6th. 

Will I get paid for working as an intern?

Typically, no. In some extenuating cases we do cover daily rail/bus services; if you believe you need this assistance, let us know.

What is the minimum age for participation in the STaRS Internship Program?

You must be 16 years old on the day the internship starts (typically around the middle of June). There are no exceptions to this rule. 

How many individuals are being accepted into the STaRS Internship Program each year?

The number varies from year to year, but approximately 20 people will be invited to join us each summer. 

What are the daily hours of the program?

We start at 9am and work until 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Wednesdays are reserved for out-of-lab learning experiences, and these generally run from 10am until 3pm.

Are there any costs for me doing the STaRS Internship Program?

The STARS program does not charge for participation. Please note: we do not provide funds to support travel, housing, or meals. If attendance in the program requires you to seek travel or housing, the costs associated with these will have to be covered by the individual. 

Does the STaRS Internship Program provide meals? 

Please be prepared to either bring your lunch or purchase your own food from nearby cafeterias. There is access to microwaves and hot water dispensers in a small kitchen next to the laboratory.

Do I have to have previous laboratory experience?

Absolutely not. We highly encourage individuals with no previous research or laboratory experience to apply for our internship.

Will I come in contact with dangerous or carcinogenic substances? 

Work in a laboratory requires training and the consistent use of personal protective equipment (PPE). All participants in the program will undergo this training to ensure they understand the risks and the safety measures that must be employed whenever working in a laboratory setting. Individuals with specific allergies or drug sensitivities should consult with their physician to determine if the internship poses any unacceptable health risks. 

Do I have to bring my own PPE?

No; all PPE are provided by the program.