Stanford Solidarity Network

The Stanford Solidarity Network is a coalition of graduate students from every part of the university engaging with urgent issues that impact the Stanford community and beyond. Want to get involved?

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The fight for covid protections for grad students continues!

Over 700 Stanford affiliates have signed our petition, but we are far from protected. Hundreds of students will be without adequate summer funding if the University fails to act. Read more here.

SSN endorses Munira / Vianna for 2020-2021 ASSU Exec

Stanford, CA, May 13 — Stanford Solidarity Network endorses Munira/Vianna for the 2020 ASSU Executive ticket.

In our conversations with Munira and Vianna, we were impressed by their knowledge of issues facing the graduate community and their willingness to work with us and advocate for us. Given all of the uncertainties that lie ahead and the issues chronic to graduate life that have been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, graduate students can no longer wait for affordable housing, affordable healthcare, and an overhaul of the policies that allow advisor-advisee power abuse to go unchecked. Munira and Vianna understand that these issues are systemic, and have the courage to get things done in 2020-2021.

As organizers, Munira and Vianna know how to build powerful coalitions, and recognize that in order for us to build a more equitable, more just, and more inclusive campus, we need to be united—service workers, undergrads, and graduate students alike. We look forward to working alongside Munira and Vianna in the fight for a Stanford FOR US ALL.