Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)Verified account


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a world leader in research and education. Related accounts: Full list:

Cambridge, MA
Joined July 2008


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  1. Let it rain! New coatings make natural fabrics waterproof Image: Oscar Rosello

  2. 19 hours ago

    Our Snapchat is being taken over by a SMURF! (Singapore-MIT Undergraduate Research Fellowship, not the little blue people) Follow us to see what Emily Condon ‘21 is up to! More about SMURF:

  3. Who needs a new lock screen for their phone?!?! Well here is our first design of the year! Be on the lookout for more designs next Wednesday as we begin to welcome back our fall athletes to in just 16 days!

    , , and 6 others
  4. 20 hours ago
  5. Richard Milner on a new U.S. particle accelerator

  6. Since 1968, has been a spot for the MIT community to relax, socialize, and share ideas. Video: Melanie Gonick/MIT

  7. We're thrilled to announce the newly designed , just launched today. 🎉

  8. Machine-learning model could help chemists make molecules with higher potencies, much more quickly.

  9. Jul 24

    A new study unpacks the math behind cell positioning in early embryonic development (a.k.a. how organs and limbs grow in the right places).

    Illustration showing the embedding of a cell lineage tree on a convex equilateral polygon with 16 vertices, with cell connections highlighted in red.
  10. Light-controlled polymers can switch between sturdy and soft

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  12. Visit MIT. Where can you see: 50+ publicly sited works of art, 20+ gardens and green spaces, and 12 museums and galleries. Animation: Christine Daniloff/MIT

  13. Jul 24

    Incoming , your Student Medical Report Form is due today, July 24. Form & FAQs:

  14. Doctoral student Parrish Bergquist investigates how politics affects environmental decision making

  15. Lab assignments for MIT Materials Research Laboratory undergraduate researchers and teachers cut across disciplines.

  16. People who engage in analytic thinking are better at discerning true from false.

  17. Jul 23
  18. Sound waves reveal diamond cache deep in Earth’s interior

  19. Doctors rely on more than just data for medical decision making

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