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Stanford Courses

We have identified graduate courses that, based on their description in Explore Courses, appear to align with VPGE's Grad Grow Professional Development competencies or with our Career Planning, Interdisciplinary Learning, or Diversity Initiatives portfolios. 

  • Use the filters on the left to refine your search or to view other course feeds.
  • Click on any course to view the details in Explore Courses
  • Let us know if you think a course is not appropriate or if you identify a course we should include.

Please note that courses may have prerequisites or limited enrollment or may require permission from the instructor. You should contact the instructor if you have specific questions. VPGE does not have any influence over the courses offered by departments.

Title Instructor(s) Quarter Day, Time, Location
BIO 208 (section 1)
Spanish in Science/Science in Spanish (EARTHSYS 207, LATINAM 207)

For graduate and undergraduate students interested in the natural sciences and the Spanish language. Students will acquire the ability to communicate in Spanish using...

2021-2022 Spring
4:00pm - 6:00pm
BIOE 273 (section 1)
Biodesign for Digital Health (MED 273)

Health care is facing significant cross-industry challenges and opportunities created by a number of factors, including the increasing need for improved access to...

2021-2022 Summer
BIOE 273 (section 1)
Biodesign for Digital Health (MED 273)

Health care is facing significant cross-industry challenges and opportunities created by a number of factors, including the increasing need for improved access to...

2021-2022 Autumn
4:00pm - 6:50pm
Li Ka Shing Center,rms101/102
BIOE 374A (section 1)
Biodesign Innovation: Needs Finding and Concept Creation (ME 368A, MED 272A)

In this two-quarter course series ( BIOE 374A/B, MED 272A/B, ME 368A/B, OIT 384/5), multidisciplinary student teams identify real-world unmet healthcare needs, invent new...

2021-2022 Winter
Tuesday Thursday
4:00pm - 5:50pm
BIOE 374B (section 1)
Biodesign Innovation: Concept Development and Implementation (ME 368B, MED 272B)

In this two-quarter course series ( BIOE 374A/B, MED 272A/B, ME 368A/B, OIT 384/5), multidisciplinary student teams identify real-world unmet healthcare needs, invent new...

2021-2022 Spring
Tuesday Thursday
4:00pm - 5:50pm
BIOE 376 (section 3)
Startup Garage: Design

A hands-on, project-based course, in which teams identify and work with users, domain experts, and industry participants to identify an unmet customer need, design new...

2021-2022 Autumn
Tuesday Friday
7:55am - 9:40am
GSB McClelland 101D
BIOE 376 (section 2)
Startup Garage: Design

A hands-on, project-based course, in which teams identify and work with users, domain experts, and industry participants to identify an unmet customer need, design new...

2021-2022 Autumn
Monday Thursday
10:00am - 11:45am
GSB McClelland 101D
BIOE 376 (section 1)
Startup Garage: Design

A hands-on, project-based course, in which teams identify and work with users, domain experts, and industry participants to identify an unmet customer need, design new...

2021-2022 Autumn
Monday Thursday
7:55am - 9:40am
GSB McClelland 101D
BIOE 377 (section 1)
Startup Garage: Testing and Launch

STRAMGT 356/BIOE 376 teams that concluded at the end of fall quarter that their preliminary product or service and business model suggest a path to viability, may continue...

2021-2022 Winter
Monday Thursday
7:55am - 9:40am
BIOE 377 (section 3)
Startup Garage: Testing and Launch

STRAMGT 356/BIOE 376 teams that concluded at the end of fall quarter that their preliminary product or service and business model suggest a path to viability, may continue...

2021-2022 Winter
Tuesday Friday
10:00am - 11:45am
