Kiplinger4 min read
Planning for Retirement: Should You Pay Off the House Early?
Colette Leavitt faced a difficult financial decision a few years ago, as she approached her sixties. She originally planned to retire early, at age 62, with her mortgage paid off. She would be free and clear of the financial burden of monthly payment
Kiplinger5 min read
3 Ways to Benefit from a Roth IRA Under New Tax Law, Including a 'Mega Backdoor Roth'
The Roth IRA is popular once again. The new lower income tax rates make conversions to a Roth more favorable than they used to be. In addition, the low tax rates are set to expire in 2025, and there is an expectation that higher rates could be on the
Kiplinger3 min read
When Will Bitcoin Make Its Way to 401(k) Plans?
Bitcoin has been one of the hottest financial topics of discussion lately. The skyrocketing value enticed curious investors to look into the cryptocurrency and spurred people to ask about adding bitcoin to their 401(k)s or other retirement savings pl
Kiplinger4 min read
The Biggest Social Security Mistake You Can Make
The biggest Social Security mistake isn't taking it too early. And taking it too late isn't it, either. It's failing to build a multidimensional plan. Regular or decaf? Paper or plastic? Take Social Security at age 62 or 70? Some decisions in life
Kiplinger2 min readSociety
Health Insurance for College Students
[Question]My son is about to graduate from high school and will be living at home until he moves away in late summer for college. Can he just stay on my health insurance policy when he's in college? [Answer]Health insurers that provide dependent cove
Kiplinger10 min readTech
10 High-Yield BDCs That Could Get a Lift From D.C.
Business development companies (BDCs), with dividend yields averaging between 8% and 11%, already are well worth considering as income investments. Now, thanks to a recent regulatory change, BDCs have even more appeal. BDCs make loans like banks but
Kiplinger1 min readPolitics
Virginia: #7 Best State to Retire in 2018
Picking where to retire? Virginia probably isn't on the top of your list--but perhaps it should be near the top. After analyzing all 50 states for retirement based on financial factors critical to retirees, from living expenses and taxes to health ca
Kiplinger1 min readPolitics
Alabama: #6 Best State to Retire in 2018
Deciding where to retire? You'll need to weigh the personal factors yourself, from preferred climate to proximity to family. But when it comes to financial factors, we can help. We ranked all 50 states for retirement based on the financial factors mo
Kiplinger2 min readPolitics
Florida: #8 Best State to Retire in 2018
When you're picking a place to retire, Florida will likely be among the top choices. And why not? The state appeals to the classic vision of the retirement lifestyle, from sunshine and beaches to golf courses and theme parks. But Florida's true allur
Kiplinger2 min read
Follow QCD Rules to Make Your IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions Count
With tax reform likely to lead more taxpayers to use the standard deduction instead of itemizing, the move known as the qualified charitable distribution takes on a new sheen. A QCD allows taxpayers claiming the standard deduction to get a tax break
Kiplinger5 min readSociety
10 Surprising (or Surprisingly Common) Estate Planning Mistakes
When it comes to wills, as a financial planner, I've seen a lot of sad, unfortunate or just plain weird things happen over the years. Poor estate documents can lead to people accidentally cutting loved ones out of inheritances, paying big tax bills u
Kiplinger9 min read
10 Hot Stock Picks for a Summer Rally
How do you find fresh investing inspiration in these choppy times? Right now, political uncertainty in Italy has sent global markets into a tailspin, and the U.S. has just put a global tariff tiff back into play. However, even in these conditions, th
Kiplinger4 min read
Are Annuities a Solution for Baby Boomers in Retirement?
Retirement is posing a lot of challenges for Baby Boomers as many feel their money won't last over 30 years. Lower interest rates and market fluctuations are making them pursue other options that will provide a safety net for the remainder of their l
Kiplinger4 min read
Lack of Financial Information Is No Longer the Problem. Knowing How to Process It Is.
Thanks to new technologies, investing is more accessible than ever. You can buy stocks, bonds and mutual funds with a click of a mouse, or even with an app on your phone. As a result of these technologies, we now have more, faster and cheaper informa
Kiplinger8 min read
8 Tech Stocks That Pay You to Own Them
When you buy stocks, you're trying to get returns from two places: growth and/or dividends. And for the longest time, tech stocks were bought for the former. Pick up (AMZN) for $300, sell half at a thousand bucks a few years later, and you
Kiplinger3 min readPolitics
Medicare Part D Drug Coverage Gap Closing at Faster Clip
Headlines earlier this year announced the "doughnut hole" in Medicare's Part D prescription-drug coverage is closing ahead of schedule. That's welcome news for the beneficiaries who fall into the coverage gap, many of whom should see savings next yea
Kiplinger4 min read
Don't Give Up on This Wild Bull Market
I get a kick out of the investment experts who are now telling us that making money in stocks isn't going to be easy anymore. For instance, Howard Marks of Oaktree Capital proclaimed earlier this year: "The easy money has been made." I hate to pick
Kiplinger2 min read
How to Defuse Your Tax Time Bomb
If you're still working, you may not think much about the income taxes you pay until you're filing your tax return each year. Thanks to direct deposit, many of us never even see our pay stubs anymore -- we just know the money is going into the bank
Kiplinger2 min read
Tennessee: #5 Best State to Retire in 2018
Personal preferences matter when it comes to picking where to retire. Do you prefer year-round warm weather or all four seasons? Do you want to be near the grandkids or far away from family? These are questions you need to answer for yourself. What w
Kiplinger4 min read
FAQs About RMDs: Don't Blow Your Required Minimum Distributions
Required minimum distributions are annual withdrawals people generally are forced to start taking from tax-deferred retirement accounts, such as traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, once they reach age 70½. The reasoning behind RMDs is simple: Your retireme
Kiplinger7 min read
The 8 Best Income Funds for a Scared Market
If 2017 was the year without fear, 2018 feels like the year of ... well, fear. And that means investors should have income funds and other dividend strategies at the top of their minds right now. The CBOE Volatility Index - aka "the VIX," aka "the fe
Kiplinger4 min read
Tax Reform Blunts The Bite Of The AMT
Tax reform didn't quite streamline the regular tax system to the point that taxpayers could file their returns on postcards. But the new law does simplify the parallel tax system known as the alternative minimum tax. Even better, the changes mean far
Kiplinger2 min read
North Dakota: #4 Best State to Retire in 2018
If the decision on where to retire came down to climate alone, we'd all live in Florida or Arizona. But there's more to retirement than sunshine and warm temperatures. Top of the list: Finding a place that fits your budget. We ranked all 50 states fo
Kiplinger1 min read
Georgia: #3 Best State to Retire in 2018
Picking where to retire isn't an easy decision. From climate to being near family, personal preferences come into play. Money matters, too. That's where we can help the most. We ranked all 50 states for retirement based on financial factors, figuring
Kiplinger6 min read
The Alphabet Soup of Disability Income: SSDI, LTD and WC
We like to think we're invincible. We tell ourselves it's not possible that one day we'll experience a health problem severe enough to keep us from working. But for many Americans, that "one day" arrives on a daily basis. In fact, one-in-four 20-year
Kiplinger14 min read
The 18 Best Stocks To Buy For The Rest Of 2018
We're almost to the halfway point of the year, and so far ... not so good. The market has disappointed, and the investing landscape has shifted drastically in a very short time. Thus, investors looking for the best stocks to buy to turn things around
Kiplinger8 min read
Get Your Retirement Portfolio in Fighting Shape
Wake up calls are never pleasant, but this one was particularly harsh: Over the course of just nine trading days in late January and early February, U.S. stocks dropped 10% as investors fretted over a government report showing higher than expected wa
Kiplinger2 min read
Hawaii: #2 Best State to Retire in 2018
Hawaii fits the image of an idyllic retirement destination, but it doesn't fit the budget of every retiree. The overall cost of living in the Aloha State is undeniably high. But living expense is just one factor when it comes to picking a place to re
Kiplinger4 min readMoney Management
For Your Money, Which is Better: The Algorithm or the Adviser?
We've seen a massive movement toward convenience and automation in nearly every industry. As consumers move toward the option of ordering products online from sites like Amazon, the retail world has seen a record-breaking number of brick-and-mortar
Kiplinger5 min read
7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Financial Adviser
Working with professional athletes and entertainers, I've come across some people who have come into wealth suddenly for the first time getting started on the financial planning path. There are a lot of decisions to make, not the least of which is wh
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