GME Women in Medicine Leadership Council (WIM)

What are you looking for?

Additional Resources

A community that socializes together, stays together.

Last Revised 07/19/2018

Mission Statement

To empower and build a community among women trainees, and those who support them, across specialities at Stanford.


GME Women in Medicine Leadership Council (WIM) is a subcomittee of GME Diversity Committee. Our focus is to provide: 

  • Community-Based Events - A community that socializes together, stays together. These events are meant for the residents/fellows and faculty members who are women in medicine, or those who support them, to mentor/be mentored and, to importantly, learn from each other during the journey in medicine. Participants are limited to Stanford or Stanford-affiliated individuals in medicine.
  • Skill-Building Events - We organize workshops throughout the year to bridge the skill gap and to equal the skill field with topics, such as career trajectory, negotiation, unconscious bias, and much more. Let us know if you would like to have workshops on other topics!
  • Resources - Provide resources available to current house staff, such as
    • child care / back up care / lactation rooms
    • how to deal with harassment
    • maternity and paternity leave


  • NOTE: Consistent with its non-discrimination policy, Stanford's programs are open to participants regardless of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, veteran statuss, martial status or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.


Early Breakfast

Start your morning with a nutritious breakfast with a tribe of like-minded women – and those who support them!

The upcoming early breakfast:

to be determined!

Quarterly Happy Hour

Get social with our tribe during the Quarterly Happy Hour.

The upcoming Quarterly Happy Hour:

to be determined!

Bring a housestaff/woman faculty!

Our tribe grows as we engage more housestaff and faculty. Help us create a bigger community to share ideas, experiences, and perspectives.

Bring a colleague or faculty member to any of the events!

Leadership & Members


2018-2019 Membership profiles available in August - September 2018.

Faculty Advisors


Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine - Infectious Diseases
Clinical Assistant Professor, Neurology & Neurological Sciences
Professor of Neurosurgery and of Medicine (Endocrinology) at the Stanford University Medical Center, Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital and at the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System


Stanford Hospital & Medicine

Stanford Other Schools/Departments

Contact Us

Feel free to contact the GME WIM with any questions.
