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Page last updated at 14:29 GMT, Friday, 29 May 2009 15:29 UK

A man weeps at Roh Moo-hyun's funeral at the Seoul City Hall Plaza, 29 May  Koreans turn out in force for Roh
Thousands of South Koreans throng Seoul for the funeral of former President Roh Moo-hyun, who killed himself last week.

Aung San Suu Kyi Suu Kyi health a 'grave concern'
Jailed Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi is suffering from cramps and needs urgent medical care, her party says.

Sumo wrestlers in Osaka Sumo trainer jailed over killing
A former sumo coach is sentenced to six years in prison for his role in the fatal beating of a young wrestler in Japan.


Malaria parasites 'resist drugs'
International scientists say research in Cambodia shows the first signs of resistance to the world's best anti-malaria drug.

Chinese ships 'quit Korea waters'
Chinese shipping is said to be leaving North Korean waters after the North's threats of military action against South Korea.

Burma rejects foreign criticism
Burma's government rejects foreign criticism of the charges against opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi as interference.

Australia swine flu ship isolated
A cruise ship carrying 2,000 people is ordered to remain at anchor off Australia after three crew test positive for swine flu.

Thais cheer surprise panda birth
A healthy panda cub is born at a zoo in Thailand, surprising carers who said the mother had shown no signs of being pregnant.

Malaysia to keep terror suspect
A Singaporean terror suspect captured last month will not be extradited for at least two years, Malaysian officials say.


Dead people in Australia given cash hand-outs
The Australian government admits cash hand-outs aimed at stimulating the economy have been sent to thousands of dead people.


Cricket: Ponting wary of Flintoff effect
Skipper Ricky Ponting believes a fit Andrew Flintoff will be Australia's biggest obstacle to keeping hold of the Ashes.


Malaria warning
Cambodia scientists fear a global health disaster

Ground truths
When will scientists be able to predict earthquakes?


Broken dreams
Falling off Indonesia's economic ladder


Alert level raised on North Korea
The US and South Korea raise their alert levels after North Korea says it is scrapping its truce with the South.

Rare white tiger kills zoo keeper
A rare white tiger mauls a New Zealand zoo keeper to death, as horrified tourists look on, according to police.

Suu Kyi's witnesses 'rejected'
Lawyers for the detained Burmese opposition leader say judges have rejected their request to call four defence witnesses.

Asia facing 'diabetes explosion'
New research suggests a ballooning rate of diabetes worldwide, particularly among younger and fitter Asians.

Explosion reported in Uzbekistan
State media in Uzbekistan says a suicide bomber has killed a police officer and wounded several people in the city of Andijan.

Briton appeals China death term
A UK citizen sentenced to death for drugs trafficking in China is to plead his case at an appeal court.


Japan's industrial output jumps
Japan's factory output jumps at its fastest rate in more than 50 years, but higher unemployment dampens hopes of recovery.

Discounts boost Japan retailers
Retail sales in Japan rose in April for the first time in eight months after successful discounting at department stores and supermarkets.


Voices: Inside Japan's recession
People in Japan on living in hard economic times

China voices on financial crisis
Workers discuss how financial crisis is affecting them

Tiananmen: Send us your views
20 yrs on: Send us your opinions on Tiananmen killings


Indonesia's reggae ambassador
Indonesian reggae star aims to bring about change

Forged art legacy of Vietnam war
Vietnam art world confused by originals and copies

Singapore gays in first public rally
Landmark gay rally in conservative Singapore

Coup leader keeps iron grip on Fiji
Fiji's coup leader tightens his grip on the country

China quake survivor's recovery
Chinese boy's battle back to health after quake


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