Times Picks
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New Day for Shanghai Nights
New Day for Shanghai Nights
Gilles Sabrie for The New York Times
Gay Pride Week in Shanghai included the essential “hot body” contest.

A growing gay scene is contributing to the city’s already vibrant night life in ways once hard to imagine.

Cricket in Johannesburg

"My friends and I are planning to go to Johannesburg to watch the finals of the Indian Premier League Cricket. We wanted some advice on what we could do."

On the Road
Cutting Those Carry-Ons Down to Size

A bill recently introduced in Congress would standardize the size of carry-on bags and require the Transportation Security Administration to enforce the limits.

Airline Has Nothing to Hide. Really.

The in-flight safety instructional video and a companion ad series show employees of Air New Zealand unclothed, concealed only by body-painted uniforms and strategically placed props.

Frugal Paris

Even for those on a budget, summer in the City of Light can offer unexpected pleasures.

The Haggler
Who Exactly Is Protected by ‘Travel Protection’?

Think you’re getting a refund? Check the fine print.

36 Hours in Cork, Ireland

The city’s compact size makes it perfect for a tour on foot, providing you’ve packed walking shoes and a bit of ambition for a few hilly climbs.

Practical Traveler
The Soaring Cost of Car Rentals

While the global recession has sent prices plummeting on airfares, hotels and cruises, it is having the opposite effect on rental cars.

Chicago’s New Wave of Microbrews

With local beers popping up all over town, the city is experiencing a brewing renaissance.

Ottoman Whispers in a Secret Corner of Greece

An easing of border tensions has made Thrace, an Islamic foothold in the northeast region, accessible to travelers.

Taking The Kids
In Puerto Rico, a Rain Forest Full of Easy Adventure

Set among the Luquillo Mountains, El Yunque is the only tropical rain forest in the United States national forest system.

Globespotters: Madrid, Rome and Istanbul

Italian art in Spain, Elizabeth Taylor’s jewelry on display in Rome and a graffiti exhibit in Istanbul.

Restaurant Review: Outerlands in San Francisco

This restaurant exists to refute the surrounding neighborhood gloom, or at least to offset it with fine food.

American Journeys | Mad River Valley, Vt.
Ski Country Abounding in Off-Season Charms

Bordered by the Green Mountains and Northfield Ridge, Vermont’s Mad River Valley reveals itself in warmer weather, when history, culture and a hyperlocal food scene come to the fore.

Where Public Enemies Went for a Little Peace and Quiet

In the 1920s and ’30s, Wisconsin was the refuge of choice for bad guys on the lam. Visitors can follow in these criminals’ footsteps, F.B.I. raids excluded.

Frugal Traveler
Frugal Travel: A Woman’s Perspective

Beth Whitman has been trekking the world for more than 20 years. In a Q&A, she talks about traveling as a single woman, luggage dilemmas and how to trust your “sixth sense.”

A Recession Summer Theme: Come On In, the Travel’s Cheap

Airlines, hotels, resorts and destinations are intensifying attempts to appeal to frugal would-be travelers.

 Book Your Trip
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Chicago »

Video: Frugal Chicago »

Matt Gross, the Frugal Traveler, cuts down on costs, not culture, on a weekend in the Windy City.

Summer Weekends


Cricket in Johannesburg
June 30, 2009 4:58 pm
Honduras Travel Ban
June 30, 2009 12:04 pm



Gangster hideouts in Wisconsin, a journey through Mad River Valley, Vt., and more.


Showcasing a Sainted Italian Painter
June 30, 2009 3:00pm
Staying Cool in Istanbul With Jazz on the Water
June 30, 2009 6:00am
Frugal Traveler
Frugal Traveler

Q&A With Beth Whitman, a Woman’s Perspective on Solo Travel
June 24, 2009
Travel Web Sites: A Click-On Showdown
June 17, 2009
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Affordable Paris

Cheap bistros, picnics and fine old hotels make the city affordable.

A Weekend in Cork, Ireland

This playful city offers lively bars and lovely gardens.

Why We Travel

Konjsko, Macedonia
“It reminded me of maybe what Italy was like in the ’50s.”

Thrace, Greece: Vestiges of the Ottoman Empire

An Islamic foothold on a rock of Orthodox Christianity.

A Journey Through Mad River Valley

In Vermont, the towns of Warren and Waitsfield ooze New England charm.

Activity & Interest Guides

Browse free Times articles.

Interest Guide: Gay and Lesbian Travel

Emerging gay hot spots like São Paulo, Brazil, and Shanghai, same-sex wedding destinations and more.



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The Last-Minute Guide to Summer Camping
Discovering Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast
Europe for Every Budget
Borneo: A Biodiverse Menagerie
Exploring Asia
Voices From the Rails