Sunday, June 28, 2009


Forty Years' War

Playing It Safe in Cancer Research

Dr. Ewa T. Sicinska turned to a private foundation to finance her research.
Bryce Vickmark for The New York Times

Dr. Ewa T. Sicinska turned to a private foundation to finance her research.

A major impediment in the fight against cancer is that most research grants go to projects unlikely to break much ground.

Patient Money

Getting Insurance for One’s Frailest Years

If you’ve cared for an elderly parent, you know the importance of being prepared for the cost of your own long-term care.

U.S. Passes Million Swine Flu Cases, Officials Say

The estimate is based on testing plus telephone surveys in New York City and several other locales where the new flu has hit hard.

Little Hope for G.O.P. to Support Health Bill

Republicans dislike much of the Democrats’ health care proposals, making it difficult for Congress to come up with a truly bipartisan plan.

Robert A. Derzon, First Director of Medicare and Medicaid, Dies at 78

Mr. Derzon was an early proponent of universal health care coverage.

Recipes for Health

Leek and Yogurt Pie

Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times

A wonderful vegetable pie adapted from a staple of northern Greece.

Marriage Stands Up for Itself

Despite strong social riptides working against it, the marriage bond is far stronger in 21st-century America than many assume.

Economic View

The Pitfalls of the Public Option

An important question about any public provider of health insurance is whether it would have access to taxpayer funds.

Senate Democrats Say Cost of Health-Care Bill Can Be Trimmed

Democrats said they had found ways to pare the cost of the bill by more than a third while still covering nearly all Americans.

Excess Pounds, but Not Too Many, May Lead to Longer Life

A Canadian study adds to a growing body of evidence that being overweight, but not obese, may help you live longer.

New York State Allows Payment for Egg Donations for Research

A boon for stem cell science is met with concerns about the exploiting of women and other ethical matters.

Death in Birth

Fragile Tanzanian Orphans Get Help After Mothers Die

An innovative program in Africa protects motherless infants through their risky early years.

Recipes for Health

Greek Zucchini and Herb Pie

A typical Greek vegetable pie, filled with fragrant herbs and zucchini.

Fitness & Nutrition »
Recipes for Health

Mediterranean Vegetable Pies

Rustic vegetable pies are a great way to work vegetables into your diet.

Recipes for Health: Dill Soup
Recipes for Health: Lentil Soup With Cilantro (Lots of It)

Interactive Feature: Training Tool

Get ready for marathon day with customized training plans that help you track your progress.

Skin Care
Natural Remedies for Rosacea?

Are there any effective treatments for rosacea that don't include the use of antibiotics or prescription potions and lotions?

Running Voices

A running nun and a marathon beginner — two more runners share stories about their goals and motivations.

The Weekly Health Quiz

In the news: Farrah Fawcett, radiation injuries and the source of swine flu. Test your knowledge of this week’s health news.


How the Food Makers Captured Our Brains

A recipe for indulging: salt, sugar and fat, mixed many ways. But we can fight it.

Personal Health

A Personal, Coordinated Approach to Care

What is a medical home?


The Claim: Heat Should Be Applied to a Sprained Ankle

How should you treat a sprained ankle?

Q & A

What a Sweat I’m In

How can you distinguish between night sweats that indicate a serious medical condition and those that don’t?

Patient Voices: Cystic Fibrosis

A shortened life span, difficulty breathing and digesting and time-consuming treatments — six men and women speak about their experiences with cystic fibrosis.

Room for Debate
Ideas for Fixing Health Care

President Obama said in his speech to Congress that the nation must address “the crushing cost of health care.” Reform won’t be easy, he said, but it cannot wait another year. Health care experts share their ideas for what might make a difference this time.

Regional Differences in Cost and Care

Track the variability of cost in the Medicare system and the rates of several kinds of surgery.

Mapping the Human ‘Diseasome’

Researchers created a map linking different diseases to the genes they have in common.

Times Essentials

The latest news and scientific perspective on common diseases and conditions.


Health Around the Web