Haiti Earthquake Relief

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On January 12, 2010, a massive earthquake struck the nation of Haiti, causing catastrophic damage inside and around the capital city of Port-au-Prince. President Obama has promised the people of Haiti that "you will not be forsaken; you will not be forgotten." The United States Government has mobilized resources and manpower to aid in the relief effort. Here are some ways that you can get involved.


Get Information about Friends or Family

The State Department has several resources for inquiring about the welfare and whereabouts of friends and family in Haiti:

  • To Ask For or Provide Information About U.S. Citizens in Haiti:
    • Email the Task Force at Haiti-Earthquake@state.gov OR
    • From the U.S. or Canada, call 888-407-4747 (Other countries, call 202-501-4444)
  • For U.S. Citizens in Haiti Seeking Assistance or Reporting Their Status/Whereabouts:
    • Email the Embassy at ACSPaP@state.gov OR
    • Call the Embassy's Consular Task Force at 509-2229-8942, 509-2229-8089, 509-2229-8322, or 509-2229-8672
  • For All Nationalities and Locations:
    • Use the Person Finder embedded on the State Department's website to find and share information about missing persons in Haiti

When contacting any of the numbers or using the emails above, please include the following information:

  • The full name, date of birth and passport information (if known) of the persons in Haiti you are trying to contact.
  • Their contact information in Haiti; telephone numbers, email address, hotel name or address (if known)
  • Your name and contact information, and your relationship to the person in Haiti (parent, spouse, friend etc.)
  • Any special or emergency circumstances.

For more information about locating friends and family members, visit the State Department's Haiti Earthquake website.

The Federal Response

Check out the links below to find out how each federal department and agency is responding to the earthquake in Haiti.


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Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do

Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do


Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do
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