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Quartet Meets in Russia

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / March 19, 2010

On the final day of her two-stop visit to Moscow, Secretary Clinton met with with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Quartet Special Representative Tony Blair. Following their talks, the Quartet released a joint statement reaffirming the fundamental principles laid down in Trieste on June 26, 2009, and welcoming the readiness to launch proximity talks between Israel and the Palestinians. The proximity talks are an important step toward the resumption, without pre-conditions, of direct bilateral negotiations that resolve all final status issues as previously agreed by the parties.

Secretary Clinton said, "The goal of the Quartet,… more »

The Colors of Warka Debuts in Washington

Posted by Kathryn Speckart and Kelli Cook / March 19, 2010

About the Authors: Kathryn Speckart serves as a Collections Manager at the U.S. Diplomacy Center in the Bureau of Public Affairs, and Kelli Cook serves as a Public Diplomacy Officer in PRT Muthanna.

The exhibit, The Colors of Warka: Paintings by Iraqi Women of Muthanna Province, is currently on display in the Exhibit Hall of the U.S. Department of State until April 2, 2010. How it arrived in Washington is a story unto itself.

Kathryn writes:more »

What Innovative Ways Can the International Community Improve Access to Safe Water and Sanitation?

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / March 19, 2010

People play in Izabel Lake northeast of Guatemala City, Aug. 26, 2002. [AP File Photo]

March 22 marks World Water Day. More than one billion people worldwide lack access to improved water supply, and more than two billion people lack access to improved sanitation, undermining efforts to generate economic growth, promote social development, and protect public health.

What innovative ways can the international community improve people's access to safe water and sanitation? more »

Secretary Clinton Meets With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / March 18, 2010

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Today, Secretary Clinton met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow. Following their meeting, Secretary Clinton said, "Since our first meeting in Geneva, a little more than a year ago, Minister Lavrov and I, along with our respective governments under the leadership of both President Medvedev and President Obama, have worked toward a new beginning in the relationship between the United States and Russia. We believe that this reset of the relationship has led to much greater cooperation, coordination, and a constructive ongoing consultation on numerous issues that are important to… more »

A Kenyan Woman’s Efforts To End Violence Against Women

Posted by Nicole Peacock / March 18, 2010

A woman and her grandchildren outside her home near Rabuor, Kenya, June 2008. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Nicole Peacock serves as the Public Outreach Officer in the Bureau of African Affairs.

On March 9, 2010, Rebecca Lolosoli received the Vital Voices 2010 Global Leadership Award for her efforts to end violence against women in her Kenyan community. Lolosoli, a Vital Voices Global Partnership Alumna, met with representatives from the Bureau of African Affairs to discuss her work on behalf of Kenyan women.

Lolosoli's empathy for widows and children compelled her to speak out on behalf of victims of rape, forced marriage, female genital cutting, and homelessness.… more »

The Benefits of Engagement

Posted by William Burke-White / March 17, 2010

Worker hoists flags of African and European countries in Lisbon, Portugal, Dec. 7, 2007. [AP File]

About the Author: William Burke-White serves on the Policy Planning Staff.

The United States is committed to engagement with all states, including traditional allies, rising powers and potential new partners, and states with whom we disagree. The Secretary explained our approach in her address to the Council on Foreign Relations on July 15, 2009. She indicated we would "lead with diplomacy, even in the cases of adversaries or nations with whom we disagree. We believe that doing so advances… more »

Secretary Clinton Travels to Russia

Posted by Mark Toner / March 17, 2010

Secretary Clinton waves near plane in Guatemala City, March 5, 2010. [State Department Photo]

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About the Author: Mark Toner serves as Director of the Press Office.

Today, Secretary Clinton travels to Russia for a two-day visit accompanied by Senator Mitchell. In Moscow, the pair will discuss efforts to promote Middle East peace in a meeting of the Quartet with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and European Union High Representative Catherine Ashton, as well as Quartet Representative Tony Blair.

The Secretary will also meet with senior Russian officials to discuss progress on a successor agreement to START,… more »

Through Their Paintings, Everyone Will Know Their Stories

Posted by Aaron Snipe / March 17, 2010

About the Author: Aaron Snipe is a Foreign Service Officer who worked with the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Muthanna Province, Iraq.

For many of my Foreign Service colleagues who volunteered to serve in Iraq, our service was a transformational experience. Long hours, meaningful work, and friendships forged in the crucible of war make Iraq a most unique diplomatic assignment. Many of us who served on Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) developed friendships with local Iraqi officials, tribal leaders, religious leaders, university students, and every-day citizens. For some, these connections will always endure as cherished memories. Yet for others, finding ways to keep in touch with… more »

National Export Initiative

Posted by Robert D. Hormats / March 17, 2010

Container ships docked at terminals in Port Elizabeth, NJ, Sept. 8, 2008. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Robert D. Hormats serves as Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs.

It's appropriate that my first DipNote entry focus on one of the President's highest economic priorities: that of expanding exports.

On Monday, March 15, I was interviewed on The Diane Rehm Show about the National Export Initiative (NEI). This historic initiative has a goal of doubling U.S. exports over the next five years and will support two million new jobs. The show was a great opportunity… more »

Ireland: A Valued Partner

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / March 16, 2010

Today, Secretary Clinton met with Irish Foreign Minister Michael Martin. Secretary Clinton said, "I am delighted to be standing here with the foreign minister. Because of our personal relationship and because of the close relationship between our two countries, we always look forward to these visits. And I'm also going to be meeting later with other friends and particularly looking forward to seeing the Taoiseach tonight at the American-Ireland Fund gala. It may go without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that the United States and Ireland have a close historic, cultural, familial relationship. Millions of Americans trace their ancestry back to Ireland and are very proud to do so, not just on St. Patrick's Day but all year long."

The Secretary continued, "On March 9th, the Northern Ireland Assembly voted to complete the process… more »

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