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Something New

I’m starting to play around with a new site, folks.

It’s still bare bones, and it is a board, not a blog - although I may attach a blog to it later.

Anyway, you’re welcome to take a look, join up if you feel like it, and of course, offer suggestions in the “Suggestions” forum.

The place is here:

Surely Not? Web site errors fuel criticisms by opponents of program | Louisiana Politics & Government - - Louisiana Politics | State Legislature News -

“We know what the problem is and we are trying to fix it,'’ said Pound. Asked why recipients would pluck random numbers - 26, 45, 14 - to fill in for their congressional district, Pound replied, “who knows, man, who really knows. There are 130,000 reports out there.'’

But President Obombast assured us that four gazillion, five hundred thirty cartoonian, six twenty three hobollion, four million, seventy ‘leben point two jobs have been saved or created.

With a take accurate to a fraction of one, surely you can’t be telling us that your boss, the Obamster, is blowing it out of his ass are you?

Sorry, That Would Be Too Obvious to Consider….

‘Obama pressure on Gilo shows a continued misread’ | Israel Palestine-Gaza Conflict | Jerusalem Post

US President Barack Obama is an extremely intelligent man surrounded by equally intelligent advisers, many of whom have years of experience dealing with the Middle East. His continued misreading and misunderstanding of the Israeli public is, therefore, somewhat baffling.

Rather than being baffled, have you considered the possibility that Obama is not an extremely intelligent man, and that he is surrounded by anti-semitic ideologues who despise Israel’s very existence, and share the French opinion of that “shitty little country?”

He’s Everywhere!

Two Dead, 21 Injured in Minnesota Tour Bush Crash

Great gods in heaven. Is there nothing our former President isn’t responsible for?

I wonder, though: Were these poor victims all of the fact-checking, copy-editing folk that make the MSM so superior to the blogosphere?

Why did they expect things to change?

Cuban conditions ‘remain harsh’

Cuba is continuing to violate human rights and is using draconian laws to repress its citizens, according to a new Human Rights Watch report.

The communist country’s shift from Fidel Castro’s leadership to president Raul Castro has not changed conditions according to the report.

The group said that since taking office, Raul Castro had kept abusive laws firmly in place.

They don’t seem to get it. Why would he want to change the system that has kept him in power for years? Fidel’s “retirement” made no difference as Raul had already assumed control.

Libertarians Support Holder on KSM Trial?

How the KSM Trial Will Undermine the Law - Jonah Goldberg - The Corner on National Review Online

. Some day when a guy gets convicted on a two bit federal charge thanks to the KSM rules that will no doubt result from this trial, we will have Eric Holder and his liberal and libertarian enablers to thank.

Huh? “Libertarian enablers?”

What the hell is he talking about?


Libertarian Party urges ‘no’ vote on Eric Holder | Independent Political Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. — America’s third-largest political party urged the Senate Wednesday to reject the nomination of Eric Holder to be Attorney General, citing his record of hostility to Second Amendment rights.

I know that Jonah regards libertarians as a threat to his conservative branch of the GOP, but come on….

More Leftists In the Woodpile

The Other McCain: ADL smears Tea Party movement

Got that? If you think Obama’s policies are “socialist” or if you think the Cult of Personality aspect of his leadership has totalitarian overtones, this makes you a potential menace to society, according to the ADL. Ditto, if you took part in the “Town Hall Meeting Disruptions”:

The ADL is (and perhaps always was) nothing more than another megaphone cheering on the Alinskyite/Gramscian leftist march through the institutions.

No wonder they love Obama, and hate and fear real Americans who love their country and their liberties.

Potemkin Trial - But For What?

Is America at war, or not?

Are we at war – or not?

For if we are at war, why is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed headed for trial in federal court in the Southern District of New York? Why is he entitled to a presumption of innocence and all of the constitutional protections of a U.S. citizen?

Is it possible we have done an injustice to this man by keeping him locked up all these years without trial? For that is what this trial implies – that he may not be guilty.

And if we must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that KSM was complicit in mass murder, by what right do we send Predators and Special Forces to kill his al-Qaida comrades wherever we find them? For none of them has been granted a fair trial.

When the Justice Department sets up a task force to wage war on a crime organization like the Mafia or MS-13, no U.S. official has a right to shoot Mafia or gang members on sight. No one has a right to bomb their homes. No one has a right to regard the possible death of their wives and children in an attack as acceptable collateral damage.

Yet that is what we do to al-Qaida, to which KSM belongs.

We conduct those strikes in good conscience because we believe we are at war. But if we are at war, what is KSM doing in a U.S. court?

Buchanan comes up with yet another horrifying twist to the possibilities inherent in trying Khalid Sheik Mohammad under the civilian judiciary.

Plus a clear rundown of all the other problems. Read the whole thing.

No Fact Checking In Heaven

AP Turns Heads for Devoting 11 Reporters to Palin Book ‘Fact Check’ -

Reviewing books and holding public figures accountable is at the core of good journalism, but the treatment Palin’s book received appears to be something new for the AP. The organization did not review for accuracy recent books by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, then-Sen. Joe Biden, either book by Barack Obama released before he was president or autobiographies by Bill or Hillary Clinton. The AP did more traditional news stories on those books.

Fact check Obama? Don’t be ridiculous! That would be like…like…fact-checking Christ, for god’s sake!

The attraction to Palin doesn’t appear to be partisan, since AP didn’t fact-check recent political tomes by Republicans Rudy Giuliani or Newt Gingrich.

Oh, horseshit. Of course it’s partisan. Neither Gingrich nor Giuliani scared them to death with the prospect that a conservative might actually have a chance at the White House.


The Methuselah Manifesto - Reason Magazine

Los Angeles, California—If you’re under age 30, it is likely that you will be able to live as long as you want. That is, barring accidents and wars, you have centuries of healthy life ahead of you.

I still might be able to make it in under the wire.

What wire? This one:

“We are very close to the tipping point in human longevity,” asserted Kurzweil to the conferees. “We are about 15 years away from adding more than one year of longevity per year to remaining life expectancy.” This has been labeled by summiteer and life-extension guru Aubrey de Grey as longevity escape velocity. Achieving escape velocity, according to Kekich, would mean that “your projected day of reckoning moves further away from you rather than closing in on you.”

It will be close, though.

Source of Hot, Stinky Air, Too

Via Mike:

Term Limits Poster Boy

Congress: Byrd’s milestone - First Read -

Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) today becomes the longest-serving member of Congress — ever.

This isn’t a cause for celebration. It is an occasion of disgrace.


Obama: Too much debt could fuel double-dip recession | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

BEIJING, Nov 18 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama gave his sternest warning yet about the need to contain rising U.S. deficits, saying on Wednesday that if government debt were to pile up too much, it could lead to a double-dip recession.

The hypocrisy is breath-taking, isn’t it?

Whatever could be causing this mysterious surge in American indebtedness? Maybe this is a clue:

It shouldn’t, but the sheer brazen chutzpah of this jug-eared moron in the White House still manages to amaze me every once in a while. How stupid does he think we are?

Stupid enough to have voted for him, apparently.

I’m Sorreeee, So Sorreee…

Goldman Sachs boss says sorry over financial crisis | Business |

The head of Goldman Sachs has apologised for the Wall Street titan’s role in helping to create the financial crisis.

I wonder which one of his Washington masters demanded he prostrate himself in this manner?

What’s next? Commie-style self-criticism circles?

A Clue….

RealClearPolitics - GOP Dark Horses for 2012 - South Dakota Senator John Thune

Like Mitt Romney, the Junior Senator from South Dakota is straight out of central casting for the role of president. Intelligent, articulate, handsome, with a winning smile and an easy going disposition - it’s hard to locate anything missing from the prototypical presidential check list.

Only a moron could write a paragraph like that.

The primary qualifications for President are “Intelligent, articulate, handsome, with a winning smile and an easy going disposition…?”

Notice what is missing from that graph: Principles, ability, competence, experience….

You get the drift.

Sure, this nitwit goes on to say:

Throw in a 100% rating from the American Conservative Union in 2006, and a home base next door to all important Iowa, and you can construct a very plausible case for Thune emerging as a legitimate contender for the Republican nomination.

Yeah, throw in some evidence of principle, probably as an afterthought, and, why, you’re great to go directly to the White House!

No wonder the establishments of both parties are so out of touch. They live in an entirely different world, one several clicks due south of reality. America just elected one of these empty suits. How do you like him?

Darn Those Unruly Kids….

Reset Button | The New Republic

There have been other curious rhetorical flourishes. Speaking again about North Korea, Clinton likened the country to an “unruly teenager” who throws periodic tantrums.

Odd. I don’t know very many “unruly teenagers” who are responsible for slaughtering three million people.

In case of accidental poisoning.

The linked slide show should help: MICHELLE OBAMA: FIRST LADY OF FASHION.

If it doesn’t induce vomiting, you won’t mind dying.

More facts about Jihadi Nidal Hasan.

From oddly enough ABC news. Accused Fort Hood Shooter Was a Regular at Shooting Range, Strip Club

In the weeks before the massacre at Fort Hood, accused shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan was a regular not only at his office and his mosque, but a strip club, a shooting range and a Killeen, Texas restaurant where he spent much time with an 18-year-old convert to Islam who seemed to share his contempt for the U.S. Army.

No “special training” just lots of time at the range. 200 rounds just two days before Jihad.

The FBI is also investigating Hasan’s regular dinner meetings at the Golden Corral restaurant in Killeen with two men, who seemed close to him.

One was an older bearded man who always wore traditional Muslim garb, according to a restaurant employee.

Vera Brooks, the night manager at the Golden Corral, said while Hasan was quite friendly, the older man, who usually wore a white robe, hat and shoulderbag, was abrupt. “He refused to answer when I asked him where he was from,” Brooks said.

The other man is an 18-year-old convert to Islam named Duane Reasoner Jr., whose parents have reportedly worked at Fort Hood.

His handler and a new pervertconvert? Just so you know Duane damaged is this guy.

“I’m not going to condemn him for what he did,” Reasoner told the BBC. “I don’t know why he did it. I will not, absolutely not, condemn him for what he had done though. If he had done it for selfish reasons I still will not condemn him. He’s my brother in the end. I will never condemn him.”

The BBC reporter suggested to Reasoner that many might find his statement shocking.

“Well, that’s the way it is,” Reasoner answered. “I don’t speak for the community here, but me, personally, I will not condemn him.

he’s a little lying sack of excrement, he knows damn well what his buddy plotted. He also said this.

Said Reasoner, “In the end, they were troops who were going to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Muslims. I honestly have no pity for them.” “It’s just like the majority of the people that will hear this,” he continued. “After five or six minutes they’ll be shocked, after that they’ll forget about them and go on their day.”

Again he’s lying they’re going to be remembered for a long time.

The mystery teenager has remained secluded in his parents’ home, where his mother ordered ABC News off the property this weekend.

I have to admit, I’d order ABC off my property to and my kids aren’t possibly conspiring to commit terrorist acts.
More on Hasan’s little Jihadi wannabe buddy here. Friend of Accused Shooter Called Himself “Extremist,” Watched Al-Qaeda Videos One of his photobucket pics.

Ever since he told a British reporter that he felt “no pity” for the victims of the Fort Hood massacre, Duane Reasoner Jr., an 18-year-old Muslim convert who frequently dined with accused shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan and attended the same mosque, has ducked the media. His parents ordered ABC News off their property over the weekend and on Monday, Reasoner again dodged ABC — this time by using a pass to drive onto the Fort Hood Army base, home of the soldiers for whom he said he felt no pity.

What bothers me about this is that a possible accomplice of Hasan’s is still allowed on base. And why isn’t he being held for questioning?

In the months leading up to the Fort Hood shooting, Reasoner and Hasan ate dinner together often at the Golden Corral restaurant, apparently after prayer services at the Islamic Community Center of Greater Killeen. It is not known what they discussed.

It might not be known what they discussed, but I can make a fair guess. One is a Jahadi wannabe and the other is a Jahadi.

The Death Star Speaks

The worst is yet to come: Unemployed Americans should hunker down for more job losses

Based on my best judgment, it is most likely that the unemployment rate will peak close to 11% and will remain at a very high level for two years or more.

The weakness in labor markets and the sharp fall in labor income ensure a weak recovery of private consumption and an anemic recovery of the economy, and increases the risk of a double dip recession.

As a result of these terribly weak labor markets, we can expect weak recovery of consumption and economic growth; larger budget deficits; greater delinquencies in residential and commercial real estate and greater fall in home and commercial real estate prices; greater losses for banks and financial institutions on residential and commercial real estate mortgages, and in credit cards, auto loans and student loans and thus a greater rate of failures of banks; and greater protectionist pressures.

The damage will be extensive and severe unless bold policy action is undertaken now.

Nouriel Roubini has been more right, more often, on the economy than any other analyst I can think of.

Obama will be lucky to escape impeachment after the GOP retakes both houses of congress in 2010.

Where All Boodle Goes to Die

Instapundit » Blog Archive » THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: shows money flowing to nonexistent Congressio…

The site also shows $1,471,518 going to New Hampshire’s 6th congressional district, $1,033,809 to the 4th congressional district and $124,774 to the 27th congressional district. In fact, New Hampshire only has two congressional districts; inviting confusion about where the money listed for the 00, 4th, 6th and 27th districts is going.”

Reader David Kirkham emails: “Must be in one of those 57 states somewhere…”

Yeah. Chicago….

Congress might do the right thing for once. Maybe.

Obama Loses, Fort Hood Victims Win

Rep. Judge Stone (R-TX) seems to have defeated early dem leadership efforts to kill this. Obama has got to fuming - it opens the door for greater scrutiny of the terrorist-act-committed-by-a-nonterrorist.

Here’s the press release:

WASHINGTON, DC) – Army and civilian personnel who were wounded or killed in the shooting attack on Fort Hood would be granted the same legal status as combatant casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, if bipartisan legislation introduced today by U.S. Representative John Carter (R-TX31) passes into law. Carter was joined by U.S. Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX10) for a news conference unveiling the bill in the House Radio-TV Gallery in the U.S. Capitol this afternoon.

“Our Fort Hood casualties should receive the same benefits and recognition as other combat casualties,” says Carter, who represents the Fort Hood area in the House, “as this was a planned terror attack on U.S. military personnel. It should make no difference in our care for the wounded and the families of the slain whether it occurred on an Army base in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Texas.”

While many military and survivor benefits are the same regardless of the status of the casualty, combatant status allows military personnel to receive the Purple Heart, and civilians to receive the equivalent award, the Secretary of Defense Medal of Freedom. Combatant status would also guarantee that the beneficiaries of all military personnel who lost their lives in the attack would receive the maximum life insurance available, extended family housing privileges, and other benefits.

“This bill is not about investigations or assigning blame,” says Carter. “It is about taking care of our troops and their families first. That’s why we have such strong support from both sides of the aisle, and why we hope and expect this to move quickly.”

Over 30 House Members nearly evenly split between parties joined Carter as original co-sponsors on the legislation. Carter is Co-chairman of the House Army Caucus for the 111th Congress, and is Secretary of the House

They even used the “T” word. Now if they can get it passed and a similar bill in the Senate…
There’s something about that name, John Carter, but I can’t put my finger on it.

Yes, We Did

Christian charity means taking money by force, apparently |

The Archbishop of Canterbury seems to be of the view that somewhere in the Bible, it says “take the wealth of others by force and give it to people best able to work the political system”. Just another statist thug, but then we already knew that.

He has counterparts here in the U.S., too, starting with Mike Huckabee.

life imitates art.

Age of cyber warfare is ‘dawning’

Cyber war has moved from fiction to fact, says a report.

Compiled by security firm McAfee, it bases its conclusion on analysis of recent net-based attacks.

Analysis of the motives of the actors behind many attacks carried out via the internet showed that many were mounted with a explicitly political aim.

It said that many nations were now arming to defend themselves in a cyber war and readying forces to conduct their own attacks.

While definitions of what constitutes cyber war are not shared, it was clear that many nations were preparing for a future in which conflict was partly conducted via the net.

“There are at least five countries known to be arming themselves for this kind of conflict,” said Greg Day, primary analyst for security at McAfee Europe.

The UK, Germany, France, China and North Korea are known to be developing their own capabilities.

Of course net denizens have seen this kind of activity for years. Now it seems as if more countries have found ways to get hackers working for them. Maybe access to the latest gear, set their own hours and immunity for what they do on their own time.

If it doesn’t work for one thing it might for another.

‘Female Viagra’ discovery claim

A drug that failed tests as an antidepressant is being hailed as “Viagra for women” after surprising but not unpleasant side effects.

In three separate trials, the drug flibanserin did wonders for women’s flagging sex drive despite doing nothing to lift mood.

Somehow I suspect they’ll make more money off the unexpected side effect. But don’t try slipping it to some cutie in a bar. It doesn’t work that way.

The women in the studies who took 100mg of the drug once a day for their low libido reported significant improvements in their sexual desire and satisfactory sexual experiences, he said.

If this drug makes it to the market, I expect to hear of women suing for divorce after finding out their husbands replaced their vitamins with it. Might try it with the hottie at work. I wonder how stable it is at coffee temps? Not that I would do such a thing(no hotties at my job)

What World Do They Live In?

The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » Is Sex More Likely To Be Emotionally Traumatizing for 17-Year-Old Boys or Girls?

In response to my earlier remark that “I suspect that sex between an adult woman and a 17-year-old boy is much less likely to be emotionally or physically damaging than sex between an adult man and a 17-year-old girl,” some commenters asked why I thought this.

Maybe it’s my geezerhood showing (are teen males in America so much more wimpy these days?), but I find it hard to imagine any 17 year old boy considering himself to be “damaged” by having sex with an adult woman.

More like shooting off fireworks of glee and triumph.

He’s Not My President - I Want Him To Fail

Opinion: Obama Has Failed the World on Climate Change - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

US President Barack Obama came to office promising hope and change. But on climate change, he has followed in the footsteps of his predecessor George W. Bush. Now, should the climate summit in Copenhagen fail, the blame will lie squarely with Obama.

And this “failure” is especially heartwarming, isn’t it?

pResident Obama has failed in taking us one more step down the road to starving in the cold and dark. Call the waaahhhhhmbulance.

Shhh….Don’t Wake the Rubes…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » GM PAYING BACK TAXPAYERS?

Mickey Kaus isn’t buying it. “But of course it’s paying back that debt to taxpayers with money from … taxpayers.

The technical term for this is “Ponzi Scheme.” In a Ponzi Scheme, the fraudsters pay some “investors” with money from later “investors.”

When Bernie Madoff did this, and stung a few hundred rich people, he was called a monster and sent to jail for life.

When the government does it, know-nothing rubes cheer their lungs out. (cf. social security as well).

Of course, our entire government has become a gigantic Ponzi Scheme.

All Propaganda Puts on the Full-Court Lie


AP Buries Inconvenient Results of Latest Healthcare Poll

AP, our “objective, unbiased” news syndicate, has one of its rigged polls blow up in its face, so they did what all such left-wing objective, unbiased news services do:

They lied their heads off.

Yes, a lie of omission is still a lie.

I’ve Got Your Medical Care Rationing Right Here

Mammogram guidelines: New mammogram guidelines fuel contradiction, confusion —

In a change of existing guidelines, an influential government panel said Monday that women do not need mammograms in their 40s and discouraged teaching breast self-exams - decisions that have sparked controversy and confusion among some breast cancer specialists and patient advocates.

Remember that old lefty adage, the one they’ve used to force all sorts of expensive, intrusive, controlling programs down our throat? The one that goes, “If it saves one life…?

Well, how about if it saves hundreds, or thousands, of women’s lives?

How about if it is a long established recommendation of the American Cancer Society and your own doctor?

Even so, forget about it. Because in the new Obamacare Socialized Medicine world, we have to ration health care that “costs too much.”

So out of 1900 foregone mammograms, one woman will die. Thanks, women, for being the first on the firing line to sacrifice your lives on the altar of socialized medicine in order to help Barack Obama give free medical care to illegal aliens.

UPDATE from Don Surber:

So the federal government task force is saying a woman’s life in her 40s is not worth $380,000.


I wonder if “women’s” groups will fight as hard for mammogram coverage as they do abortion.

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