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Home > Print Archive > March 19, 2010


Unions and political organizations ratchet up the pressure as the clock ticks towards the final vote.

The remaining votes for health reform would come at considerable cost to those who cast them.

Democrats are targeting former GOP Gov. Bob Ehrlich with claims that employees at his law firm are effectively doing political work for Ehrlich as he prepares for a comeback bid against Gov. Martin O'Malley, the Baltimore Sun reports. State Democratic chair Susan Turnbull has complained to Maryland's election board that "the Baltimore law offices of Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice ... (are) serving as the de facto campaign headquarters" for Ehrlich.

Maassachusetts Democratic Rep. Stephen Lynch dodged questions Thursday about whether he was positioning himself for a 2012 run against Sen. Scott Brown, as Lynch reaffirmed he would oppose final passage of the health care bill. "Those are questions for another day," Lynch told the Boston Globe. "We have a lot of road to travel." 

Senate candidate Joe Vodvarka has been invited to join Sen. Arlen Specter and Rep. Joe Sestak in a May 1 debate, after collecting enough signatures to qualify for the Democratic primary ballot, the Morning Call reports.

Numbers suggest Democratic Rep. Kendrick Meek could be competitive against the Republican Rubio.

Former Missouri Treasurer Sarah Steelman, who flirted with her own Senate bid for a good portion of last year, will be hosting events with her old rival Roy Blunt Friday. The Blunt campaign confirmed the congressman will be appearing at string of business roundtables in St. Charles, Rolla, Springfield and Joplin. While contemplating a run for Senate against Blunt last year, Steelman once called him just "another white guy in a suit," but now Blunt could use Steelman's support to rally the conservative base in his fight against Democrat Robin Carnahan.

Despite his infamous gambol across the stage during his 2000 debate against Hillary Clinton, lots of Republicans think it's a pretty good idea to replace Rick Lazio in the gubernatorial race with turncoat Steve Levy -- while shoving the one time Long Island Republican rep into the Senate race.


Unions and political organizations ratchet up the pressure as the clock ticks towards the final vote.

DOJ hasn’t asked Senate counterparts to back off.

Budget chairman and colleagues fiercely battle over combining student-loan and health bills.

Democrats take health care to heart as they head into Sunday's showdown.

The remaining votes for health reform would come at considerable cost to those who cast them.

Lawmakers who labor mostly in obscurity are milking the moment for all it is worth.

Lawmakers are being barraged with opinion data -- and arguments about what the numbers mean.


In an Ideas piece, Arslan reminds Washington that Main Street needs economic help.

POLITICO's Arena contributors discuss if the CBO score will push the health care bill toward passage.

In an Ideas piece, Wester says immigrants are an answer to our nation’s challenges.

In an Ideas piece,Yeomans says the admin should tell Graham "no thanks" on Gitmo deal.


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Unions and political organizations ratchet up the pressure as the clock ticks towards the final vote.


Unions and political organizations ratchet up the pressure as the clock ticks towards the final vote.

The competition to build a new aerial tanker may be all but over, but bad feelings linger.

Lawmakers are being barraged with opinion data -- and arguments about what the numbers mean.


The director steps out of the shadows to publicize the agency's victories against Al Qaeda.

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